I'm currently using Fancybox 2.1.2 and would like to know how I can create an overlay on my web application. I can set the height and width of the the popup (note... this is not an iframe) and it will adjust with static values, but I would like to be able to set the height to a dynamic value like 80%. I can't seem to get this to work though. When I load fancybox with no height or width set I get this really small lightbox and it does not go to the default values of 600px for height and 800px for width. Is this because I am adding in the HTML for the lightbox dynamically through the content method? I am also adding in content dynamically after the lightbox is done loading. The goal is to create a full overlay for my app with setting height as a percentage.

The current code is:

    'content' : '\
                  <div class="light_box upload">\
                      <div class="title">Your Photos of '+city+'</div>\
                          <div class="uploadifive-queue" id="uploadifive-upload_photo-queue"></div>\

And my CSS is:

    width: 980px;

1 Answer 1


Yes, you can turn off "autoSize" and then set width as "auto":

    content  : '<div id="test">Lorem ipsum dolor sit ame</div>',
    autoSize : false,
    width    : "auto",
    height   : "80%"

See in action: http://jsfiddle.net/2VmrG/

  • This didn't work for me... but what did is adding your max height and width like this... <a .... data-width="1140" data-height="760"> The library handles the resizing on smaller devices.
    – Paul Brady
    Commented Dec 8, 2017 at 23:45

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