Been looking around for an answer and cant find anything - Im quite new so maybe Im not hitting up the right key words?

This is a sample of the XML I am working with


I'm trying to use C# XmlDocument to grab for book A author 1 and then for book B author 2, 3, 4, 5

So far the code I am working with is cycling through ALL the authors so I am getting book A author 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

The code I have so far is as follows roughly

    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
    XmlNode root = doc.SelectSingleNode("database");
    XmlNodeList nodelist = root.SelectNodes("book");
    foreach (XmlNode n in nodelist)
        XmlNodeList authors = root.SelectNodes(".//author");
        book.authorstring = "";
        foreach (XmlNode author in authors)
           book.authorstring = book.authorstring+author.SelectSingleNode("name").InnerText + ", ";

I read some where that if I use " . " before the " // " that it would "anchor" to the current node but it doesn't seem to be working and is cycling through all the nodes

What am I doing wrong or missing?

  • 1
    Don't you mean n.SelectNodes()?
    – lc.
    Commented Oct 26, 2012 at 5:47

3 Answers 3


If i understand you correctly your error is in this line :

XmlNodeList authors = root.SelectNodes(".//author");

it should be

XmlNodeList authors = n.SelectNodes(".//author");
  • THANK YOU! My eyes were glazing over and it was this small little thing!!
    – chilly8063
    Commented Oct 26, 2012 at 6:24

For future readers, I came across this article and I had forgot to add a . to my xPath.

I.e. (this was powershell but that does not matter),

This was wrong and returned the first node found from the rootnode:

$descriptionNode = $someNode.SelectSingleNode("//Description")

And this was right and returned the first node as child of the node:

$descriptionNode = $someNode.SelectSingleNode(".//Description")

Which is ofcourse because // would query anywhere, and ./ would query relatively. Quite a clear explanation, but it was easy to miss and it took some time to find.

Handy cheatsheet: https://devhints.io/xpath


Use linq2XML..it is simple to use

XElement doc=XElement.Load("yourXML.xml");

var lstBooks=doc.Descendants("book").Select(x=>

lstBooks now contains all the required data

You can now do this

foreach(var book in lstBooks)
book.name;//Name of the book
    foreach(var author in book)
        author;//name of the author

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