I created repository in my machine №1 ( and shared project:

Now, when I trying to connect to repository on machine №1 ( from my machine №2 (, I catch an error:

Connection properties are the same on both machines.

What can be the reason? Thanks for any advice!

UPD: When I write in Location properties different address, it immediately says me that Cannot locate host. But when i write '' (my actual address of machine №1), it thinks near 20 seconds and says that it cannot connect. So Eclipse finds it but for some reason cannot connect.

  • CVS is quite outdated, for new projects I suggest to use a modern VCS like mercurial.
    – Rudi
    Commented Oct 28, 2012 at 21:42

1 Answer 1


It seems that some firewall on drops your CVS packets. To use CVS with the pserver protocol, traffic on port 2401/tcp must be pass trough.


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