I have a problem with capistrano and sudo prompt password. When I run cap deploy
it asks me for sudo password but I type it and hit enter but it seems that it is still waiting for more input. How can I tell that I'm finished typing?
2 Answers
Deployment process asks password not from you, but from executing process at your remote server so you can't access remote prompt. I have this problem once. Some solutions:
- (Bad). Use sudo_password in your deploy.rb
- (Good). Setup right and permissions to not to use sudo access at all.
Second advice much better :)
Additionally you can look at this solution: stackoverflow.com/a/6057262/323249 Commented Oct 29, 2012 at 13:14
so there is no way to pass password to this prompt? it would be very strang since this is recommended capistrano way? Commented Oct 29, 2012 at 13:29
If you deployment user is not root - then there's really not a way to do so. Use root as deployment user (if it's possible) or setup permissions for your current deployment user. Commented Oct 29, 2012 at 13:32