When writing more than a trivial script in bash, I often wonder how to make the code testable.
It is typically hard to write tests for bash code, due to the fact that it is low on functions that take a value and return a value, and high on functions that check and set some aspect in the environment, modify the file-system, invoke a program, etc. - functions that depend on the environment or have side effects. Thus the setup and test code become much more complicated than the code they test.
For example, consider a simple function to test:
function add_to_file() {
local f=$1
cat >> $f
sort -u $f -o $f
Test code for this function might consist of:
And test code:
function test_add_to_file() {
cp add_to_file.{before,tmp}
add_to_file add_to_file.tmp
cmp add_to_file.{tmp,after} && echo pass || echo fail
rm add_to_file.tmp
Here 5 lines of code are tested by 6 lines of test code and 7 lines of data.
Now consider a slightly more complicated case:
function distribute() {
local file=$1 ; shift
local hosts=( "$@" )
for host in "${hosts[@]}" ; do
rsync -ae ssh $file $host:$file
I can't even say how to start write a test for that...
So, is there a good way to do TDD in bash scripts, or should I give up and put my efforts elsewhere?