I'm playing a bit with the Net::Amazon::EC2 libraries, and can't find out a simple way to print object properties:

This works:

my $snaps = $ec2->describe_snapshots();
foreach my $snap ( @$snaps ) {
  print $snap->snapshot_id . " " .  $snap->volume_id . "\n";

But if I try:

 print "$snap->snapshot_id $snap->volume_id \n";

I get


Is there a simple way to print the value of the property inside a print?

7 Answers 7


$snap->volume_id is not a property, it is a method call. While you could interpolate a method call inside a string, it is exceedingly ugly.

To get all the properties of an object you can use the module Data::Dumper, included with core perl:

use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper($object);

Not in the way you want to do it. In fact, what you're doing with $snap->snapshot_id is calling a method (as in sub). Perl cannot do that inside a double-quoted string. It will interpolate your variable $snap. That becomes something like HASH(0x1234567) because that is what it is: a blessed reference of a hash.

The interpolation only works with scalars (and arrays, but I'll omit that). You can go:

print "$foo $bar"; # scalar
print "$hash->{key}"; # scalar inside a hashref
print "$hash->{key}->{moreKeys}->[0]"; # scalar in an array ref in a hashref...

There is one way to do it, though: You can reference and dereference it inside the quoted string, like I do here:

use DateTime;
my $dt = DateTime->now();
print "${\$dt->epoch }"; # both these
print "@{[$dt->epoch]}"; # examples work

But that looks rather ugly, so I would not recommend it. Use your first approach instead!

If you're still interested in how it works, you might also want to look at these Perl FAQs:

From perlref:

Here's a trick for interpolating a subroutine call into a string:

print "My sub returned @{[mysub(1,2,3)]} that time.\n";

The way it works is that when the @{...} is seen in the double-quoted string, it's evaluated as a block. The block creates a reference to an anonymous array containing the results of the call to mysub(1,2,3) . So the whole block returns a reference to an array, which is then dereferenced by @{...} and stuck into the double-quoted string. This chicanery is also useful for arbitrary expressions:

print "That yields @{[$n + 5]} widgets\n";

Similarly, an expression that returns a reference to a scalar can be dereferenced via ${...} . Thus, the above expression may be written as:

print "That yields ${\($n + 5)} widgets\n";
  • 1
    And if I'd remembered that it was a method call rather than a property, I might have figured it out - thanks for the reminder.
    – chris
    Nov 5, 2012 at 22:02

Stick with the first sample you showed. It looks cleaner and is easier to read.


I'm answering this because it took me a long time to find this and I feel like other people may benefit as well.

For nicer printing of objects use Data::Printer and p():

use DateTime;
use Data::Printer;
my $dt = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => time );
  • Data::Printer seems to be better than Data::Dumper when debugging data on screen (not only it's colored, but also formatting is much easier to read by human).
    – pevik
    Apr 6, 2015 at 21:54

The PERL translator has limited depth perception within quotes. Removing them should solve the problem. Or just load the real values into a simple variable that you can print within the quotes. Might need to do that if you have objects which contain pointers to other objects:

SwissArmyChainSaw =/= PureMagic:
print("xxx".$this->{whatever}."rest of string\n");

The problem is that $snap is being interpolated inside the string, but $snap is a reference. As perldoc perlref tells us: "Using a reference as a string produces both its referent's type, including any package blessing as described in perlobj, as well as the numeric address expressed in hex."

In other words, within a string, you can't dereference $snap. Your first try was the correct way to do it.


I agree with most comment, stick to concatenation for easy reading. You can use


instead of print to spare of using the "\n".

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