I am using Rscript to plot some figures from a given CSV file in some directory, which is not necessarily my current working directory. I can call it as follows:

./script.r ../some_directory/inputfile.csv

Now I want to output my figures in the same directory (../some_directory), but I have no idea how to do that. I tried to get the absolute path for the input file because from this I could construct the output path, but I couldn't find out how to do that.

6 Answers 6

normalizePath() #Converts file paths to canonical user-understandable form


  • 3
    Both normalizePath(".") and file_path_as_absolute(".") still work for me on R 3.2.3.
    – MattBagg
    Commented Feb 26, 2016 at 0:36
  • @Greg can you list which version(s) of R you found that this did not work on? I am about to integrate this in my program and it would be really helpful to know ahead of time, thanks. Commented Oct 10, 2017 at 18:31
  • 1
    @user5359531 great question. I'm not entirely sure but I think I was using R 3.2.3, but I did not try using MattBagg's update
    – Greg
    Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 21:37
  • 1
    normalizePath() is part of base R and should be safe to use in your codebase.
    – MattBagg
    Commented Oct 28, 2017 at 17:21

The question is very old but it still misses a working solution. So here is my answer:

Use normalizePath(dirname(f)). The example below list all the files and directories in the current directory.

dir <- "."
allFiles <- list.files(dir)
for(f in allFiles){
  print(paste(normalizePath(dirname(f)), fsep = .Platform$file.sep, f, sep = "")) 


  • normalizePath(dirname(f)) gives the absolute path of the parent directory. So the individual file names should be added to the path.
  • .Platform is used to have an OS-portable code. (here)
  • file.sep gives "the file separator used on your platform: "/" on both Unix-alikes and on Windows (but not on the former port to Classic Mac OS)." (here)

Warning: This may cause some problems if not used with caution. For instance, say this is the path: A/B/a_file and the working directory is now set to B. Then the code below:

dir <- "B"
allFiles <- list.files(dir)
for(f in allFiles){
  print(paste(normalizePath(dirname(f)), fsep = .Platform$file.sep, f, sep = "")) 

would give:

> A/a_file

however, it should be:

> A/B/a_file

Here the solution:

args = commandArgs(TRUE)

results_file = args[1]

output_path = dirname(normalizePath(results_file))
  • It seems dirname() only gives the path minus the current folder. Is there something similar that would give the full path?
    – Phillip
    Commented Oct 17, 2014 at 19:33

fs::path_abs() is my preferred way. It avoids the backslashes of normalizePath().


To get the absolute path(s) from file(s)

Why not combine the base R function file.path() with the answer that @Marius gave. This appears marginally simpler, will work with a vector of files (files), and take care of system specific separators:

file.path(normalizePath(dirname(files)), files)

And wrapped inside a function (abspath):

abspath <- function(files)file.path(normalizePath(dirname(files)), files)

For instance:

> setwd("~/test")
> list.files()
[1] "file1.txt" "file2.txt"

And then:

> abspath(files)
[1] "/home/myself/test/file1.txt" "/home/myself/test/file2.txt"

I see that people gave pieces of the solution, but not all of it. I have used this:

outputFile = paste(normalizePath(dirname(inputFile)),"\\", "my_file.ext", sep = "")

Hope it helps.

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