I've got a thing that you can do engine.setState(<state class>)
and it will instantiate the class type you give it and start running on the new state.
In SelectFileState
there is a button to go to NewFileState
, and on NewFileState
, there is a button to go back to SelectFileState
Now, at the beginning of SelectFileState
, I'm importing NewFileState
(So I can later in the class do engine.setState(NewFileState)
. At the beginning of NewFileState
, I'm also importing SelectFileState
(So I can later go back to SelectFileState
However, this creates a circular import, as described in some other posts. Some say that circular imports are indicators bad design, and should be refactored..
I know that I can just fix this problem by importing SelectFileState
right before I need to use it, but I'd rather do things the right way and refactor it.
Now I'm wondering though.. How would you refactor that out?
Edit: Pydsigner suggests that I merge the two files into one, as they are both very related to each other. However, I cannot put EVERY state that has a circular dependency into one file, so there's got to be a better method for that. Any ideas?
I'm circumventing this problem for now by not using the from x import y
syntax, and instead just doing import x
. This is not a preferable solution, and I'd like to know the "Pythonic" way to fix this kind of thing. Just merging files together can't be the fix forever.
The code:
from states.state import State
from states.newfilestate import NewFileState
from elements.poster import Poster
from elements.label import Label
from elements.button import Button
from elements.trifader import TriFader
import glob
import os
class SelectFileState(State):
def __init__(self, engine):
def create(self):
self.engine.createElement((0, 0), Poster(self.engine.getImage('gui_loadsave')), 1)
self.engine.createElement((168, 30), Label("Load a game", 40), 2)
self.engine.createElement((400, 470), Button("New save", code=self.engine.createElement, args=((0, 0), TriFader(NewFileState, False), -240)), 3)
ycounter = 150
globs = glob.glob("save\\*.mcw")
for file in globs:
self.engine.createElement((200, ycounter), Button(os.path.basename(file)[:-4]), 2)
ycounter += 50
from states.state import State
from states.selectfilestate import SelectFileState
from elements.poster import Poster
from elements.label import Label
from elements.button import Button
from elements.inputbox import InputBox
from elements.trifader import TriFader
class NewFileState(State):
def __init__(self, engine):
def create(self):
self.engine.createElement((0, 0), Poster(self.engine.getImage('gui_loadsave')), 1)
self.engine.createElement((135, 30), Label("Make a new save", 40), 2)
self.lvlname = self.engine.createElement((180, 212), InputBox(length=25, text="World name"), 2)
self.engine.createElement((200, 240), Button(text="Ok", code=self.createSave, args=()), 2)
def createSave(self):
open("save\\" + self.lvlname.getText() + ".mcw", 'w')
self.engine.createElement((0, 0), TriFader(SelectFileState), -240)
routine does important stuff like interfacing with the engine and setting some variables.