Does windows phone 8 fully support touch events within the default browser?
Does it work out of the box so that arbitrary touchmove events can be detected by a web-page?
I have had issues with some browsers which hijack the touchmove events to use for their interface as a swipe gesture. Does windows phone 8 browser do anything like that?
Can anyone point to any documentation about windows phone 8 touch events?
There is a page here that would allow someone with a wondows phone 8 to test the touch capabilities:
I would greatly appreciate if someone could try it out and let me know if it works or not.
However, there are a couple of comments...
SnarkMaiden 20 Oct 2011 11:17 AM # Just for curiosity; I have a tablet PC with both pen and touch - in IE9, with the pen I can draw in the field but with my finger I can only scroll the page. Is that expected behaviour? Ted Johnson [MSFT] 20 Oct 2011 11:28 AM #
@SnarkMaiden: Unfortunately, yes, that's the expected behavior in IE9 and document mode 9 in IE10. IE9 has no way to override the default panning gesture. IE10's 10 mode has a new CSS property, "-ms-content-zooming: none" that disables panning and zooming on the target element. BTW, this blog runs in document mode 9 in IE10. So even IE10 users with touch are also seeing this behavior.
So still might not work form that page, even if it is possible on the device.