I'm writing a relatively complex function to do a start-to-finish data analysis. This function calls lots of sub-functions I have written (which themselves call sub-sub-functions, etc.). I'm looking for a tool to tell me how much time my function is spending on each sub-function & sub-sub-function, in order to see where I should look for performance improvements. Something analagous to MATLAB's profiler would be nice.

For instance, a hypothetical function audit:

#fun1 is called by fun2
fun1 <- function() {

fun2 <- function(x) {
  y <- x+1
  z <- y*fun1()

mainFun <- function() {

> mainFun = 1 s; of which 95% is in fun1 and 98% is fun2

Obviously I can use microbenchmark() or system.time() for each individual function - but using this effectively becomes tricky as the mainFun becomes more complex. Are there ready-made tools for this?

1 Answer 1


Googling for R profiler will lead you to the Rprof function, which is what you are looking for. In essence, you call Rprof() and run your script as normal. The summaryRprof function is a convinient way of summarizing the result of the profiler. For more details take a look at ?Rprof and the chapter on Tidying and profiling R code in Writing R Extensions, or this link, this SO question, or even this set of SO questions.

  • Some good discussion of R profiling here, too: stackoverflow.com/questions/3650862/…
    – Drew Steen
    Nov 15, 2012 at 18:50
  • + I've used rprof, and I was pleased (which is going some). I don't care for the summary tool. I just grab the result file with the stack traces in it and examine those. Nov 15, 2012 at 20:23

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