Here is the code with tests cases ;) :
public void testNullStringShouldReturnStringWithSpaces() throws Exception {
String fixedString = writeAtFixedLength(null, 5);
assertEquals(fixedString, " ");
public void testEmptyStringReturnStringWithSpaces() throws Exception {
String fixedString = writeAtFixedLength("", 5);
assertEquals(fixedString, " ");
public void testShortString_ReturnSameStringPlusSpaces() throws Exception {
String fixedString = writeAtFixedLength("aa", 5);
assertEquals(fixedString, "aa ");
public void testLongStringShouldBeCut() throws Exception {
String fixedString = writeAtFixedLength("aaaaaaaaaa", 5);
assertEquals(fixedString, "aaaaa");
private String writeAtFixedLength(String pString, int lenght) {
if (pString != null && !pString.isEmpty()){
return getStringAtFixedLength(pString, lenght);
return completeWithWhiteSpaces("", lenght);
private String getStringAtFixedLength(String pString, int lenght) {
if(lenght < pString.length()){
return pString.substring(0, lenght);
return completeWithWhiteSpaces(pString, lenght - pString.length());
private String completeWithWhiteSpaces(String pString, int lenght) {
for (int i=0; i<lenght; i++)
pString += " ";
return pString;
I like TDD ;)