I used oracle dictionary views to find out column differences if any between two schema's. While syncing data type discrepancies I found that both NUMBER and INTEGER data types stored in all_tab_columns/user_tab_columns/dba_tab_columns as NUMBER only so it is difficult to sync data type discrepancies where one schema/column has number datatype and another schema/column has integer data type.
While comparison of schema's it show datatype mismatch. Please suggest if there is any other alternative apart form using dictionary views or if any specific properties from dictionary views can be used to identify if data type is integer.
is thebuilt in
datatype for oracle whileInteger
isANSI datatypes
and datatypes from the IBM products SQL/DS and DB2,So Oracle Internally convertInteger to NUMBER(38)
.I think the only way to get the actual data type fromSELECT DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL('TABLE', '<table_name>','<schema_name>') AS DDL FROM DUAL;