This code only returns one row, but it should return 2 rows. I have tried the SQL in phpMyAdmin and it perfectly returned 2 rows. What am I doing wrong here?
$request_list_result = $mysqli->query("
SELECT buddy_requester_id, buddy_reciepient_id, user_id, user_fullname FROM sb_buddies
JOIN sb_users ON buddy_requester_id=user_id
WHERE buddy_status='0' AND buddy_reciepient_id='". get_uid() ."'");
$request_list_row = $request_list_result->fetch_array();
echo $request_list['user_fullname'];
By the way, the code above is getting process to profile.php via following script:
$index = new Template('views/template/one.php', array(
'subtitle' => 'Dashboard',
'stylesheets' => array('/assets/css/profile.css'),
'scripts' => array('/assets/js/dashboard.js'),
'sidebar' => 'sidebar.php',
'content' => 'views/profile.php',
'errors' => $errors,
'successes' => $successes,
'request_list' => $request_list_row //right here
), true);