I'm currently working on a private project which depends on some operations on polygons using the Boost C++ Libraries.
I'm currently trying to work with the inner polygon/negative polygon concept.
What I need to do now is to join three polygons where two of them have a positive (counterclockwise) outer polygon and an negative (clockwise) inner polygon.
The third one is a negative polygon a new polygon object with a negative area - points in clockwise direction. And this is the point where I'm not fully sure how to handle the situation.
Here's a picture of those three polygons. The middle one which connects the left upper polygon with the right lower one is the negative one.
Now what I would like to do is to join all three polygons through the union function. What I expect union to do is to cut away the positive parts of the polygons 1 and 3 (the positive polygons) and return the remaining two polygons of 1 and 3.
What I actually get are my polygons 1 and 3 untouched as there would be no negative polygon 2.
Any help will be appreciated.
What I need to get is a vector not a bitmap or a picture or whatever. These Picture are just used to better visualize what I have and what I need.
Those three Polygons are actually not more than an vector of x and y points.
Here's a picture of what I would expect to be the correct result of union of all three polygons:
Edit2: Corrected the result