I am trying to modify this code, which is an asynchronous server written in java using apache httpcomponents

My client code is something like this...

HttpPost httpPost= new HttpPost("http://localhost:9090");
HttpEntity se= new StringEntity(XMLSTRING);

My server handle is something like this

     public void handle(
            final HttpRequest request,
            final HttpAsyncExchange httpexchange,
            final HttpContext context) throws HttpException, IOException {
        HttpResponse response = httpexchange.getResponse();
        handleInternal(request, response, context);
        httpexchange.submitResponse(new BasicAsyncResponseProducer(response));

private void handleInternal(
            final HttpRequest request,
            final HttpResponse response,
            final HttpContext context) throws HttpException, IOException { need to get xml from response}

Any suggestions, pointer or hints on how to go about this is welcome.


Well after much searching found one solution

HttpEntity entity1 = ((HttpEntityEnclosingRequest)request).getEntity();
        String str = EntityUtils.toString(entity1);

I am not sure if this is the most efficient way to go about it.


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