I know the ID of a changeset that im interested in seeing the details of. Is there anywhere i can enter the ID of a changeset in order to see what changes were included in the commit without having to know what branch the change was made in?

Im using VS2010 / TFS2010.

4 Answers 4


Set the focus on SourceControlExplorer in VS and press CTRL+G


In the Source Control Explorer in VS2010, click the "Find Changeset" icon on the toolbar.


From the command line you can use 'tf.exe changeset ID'.

Be aware that your current directory needs to be a mapped workspace on the server you're trying to look up the changeset on. Otherwise you need to specify /s:servername (e.g. /s:http://tfsserver:8080/tfs


Extension to Rassi's answer to get everything on command prompt

From the command line you can use tf.exe changeset <<changeset ID>> /noprompt

Microsoft link

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