Looking at the Windows Azure Websites portal, under the SCALE page, when SHARED option is selected, the instance count slider is visible. The slider does not move however.

I would like to use 2 instances of the shared website. I assume this should be possible since it is a paid service and I would simply be charged double. I don't need the full RESERVED option just yet.

Is this possible?

  • Update 2013-01-25: During some changes I just noticed that shared instance count for a north Europe site can now be changed up to 6. Jan 25, 2013 at 11:17

1 Answer 1


It should be possible according to the documentation and this intro video. There are also threads in the Azure Websites Forum discussing this topic. The management portal help also documents the Shared Instance Count.

Keep in mind that websites is still in preview so availability may vary and some constraints are not yet final.

I just tried and was unable to scale newly created shared websites at two different locations (the slider just stuck at 1).

Update 2013-01-25: During some changes I just noticed that shared instance count for a north Europe site can now be changed up to 6.

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