I want to save a user selected file to MongoDB. How do I correctly add the file to the BSON object in order to add it to MongoDB? If my approach is incorrect please point in the right direction.
Below is the client code. This jQuery functions gathers the text (need help on the file part) on every input field and sends it to the server as a BSON object.
console.log('Creating JSON object...');
var classCode = $('#classCode').val();
var professor = $('#professor').val();
var description = $('#description').val();
var file = $('#file').val();
var document =
'dateUploaded':new Date(),
console.log('Adding document.');
socket.emit('addDocument', document);
The HTML of the form:
<input type = 'text' placeholder = 'Class code' id = 'classCode'/>
<input type = 'text' placeholder = 'Document description' id = 'description'/>
<input type = 'text' placeholder = 'Professor' id = 'professor'/>
<input type = 'file' id = 'file'/>
<input type = 'submit' id = 'add'/>
The server side code in CoffeeScript:
#Uploads a document to the server. documentData is sent via javascript from submit.html
socket.on 'addDocument', (documentData) ->
console.log 'Adding document: ' + documentData
db.collection 'documents', (err, collection) ->
collection.insert documentData, safe:false