I am trying to run JUnit test for an eclipse plugin I created. However, the confirmation dialogs from the EGit plugin blocks my perspective from loading up, and hence throws an unnecessary exception on my console for JUnit. I tried looking for possibility to uninstall the plugin, but did not see any such option. How can I disable the Egit plugin?

5 Answers 5


The plugins are not easy to remove/disable in eclipse. But you can remove jar files of that plugins to remove a plugin.

In Linux or Mac, open the Terminal, and cd to eclipse folder.

mkdir disabled disabled/features disabled/plugins

mv features/*egit* disabled/features/
mv plugins/*jgit* disabled/plugins/
mv plugins/*egit* disabled/plugins

Read more in http://blog.sarathonline.com/2012/05/eclipse-indigo-without-mylyn.html

  • 1
    This is a Top tip! Totally worked, the only thing a had to do after this was to go into whats already installed in eclipse and remove them from there also, after that egit was GONE!
    – Robert
    Commented Dec 12, 2013 at 8:34

Note that the problem with the confirmation dialog has been fixed in EGit 2.2, which will be released on 2012-12-19, see bug 391377.

In general, it's a good practice to only include the minimally required set of features in the launch configuration. This can be configured in the Plug-ins tab of your launch configuration.

To only include certain features, select features selected below from the Launch with dropdown, check the features which should be included and press on Add Required Plug-ins.

Also, it's useful to work with specific target platforms, see the wiki page or this tutorial.

  • Thanks robinst! In the launch configuration for the test, I selected "plugins selected below only" and then unchecked the org.eclipse.egit.* entries, and ... it works, no exceptions (pun intended)!
    – Neel
    Commented Dec 17, 2012 at 17:55

In Juno:

Windows>Preferences>Install/Update>Uninstall or Update.

Click on plugins you want to remove and click on uninstall

  • Not sure if this is evident from my question, but I wanted to disable the Egit plugin in my plguin runtime only, not in my main workspace. The solution provided by robinst works well.
    – Neel
    Commented Jan 26, 2013 at 19:10
  • 3
    Not working. "Install"/"Uninstall" buttons inactive. (That's what I hate most with Eclipse: The plugin mess. They seem not aware that some stuff should be removeable - without wasting hours on the hassle. But well, who cares about basic functionality nowadays?) Commented Mar 13, 2014 at 12:30

Hey I found a very easy way to do it, posting it maybe can help someone:

To uninstall the EGit Plugin do the following:

Help > Eclipse Marketplace... > Installed Tab > EGit > uninstall

  • 1
    Doesn't work for me .. even if I clicked uninstall and the Eclipse got restarted, that plugin was still there. Commented Mar 4, 2016 at 15:08

on mac

mkdir disabled disabled/features disabled/plugins

mv features/*egit* disabled/features/
mv plugins/*jgit* disabled/plugins/
mv plugins/*egit* disabled/plugins

did not solve anything.

After doing that, and after a marketplace-uninstall egit was already to uninstall...

Congrats eGit.

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