I have a large PHP array, similar to:

$list = array(
        'id'     = '3243'
        'link'   = 'fruits'
        'lev'    = '1'
        'id'     = '6546'
        'link'   = 'apple'
        'lev'    = '2'
        'id'     = '9348'
        'link'   = 'orange'
        'lev'    = '2'

I want to get the sub-array which contains a particular id.

Currently I use the following code:

$id = '3243'
foreach ($list as $link) {
    if (in_array($id, $link)) {
        $result = $link;

It works but I hope there is a better way of doing this.

  • 2
    Not really, no - although it seems like in_array would be better replaced with $link['id'] == $id
    – DaveRandom
    Dec 18, 2012 at 12:54
  • 1
    – ke20
    Dec 18, 2012 at 12:54
  • @ke20 the answers there are mostly for multidimensional arrays, the solutions here are simpler somewhat (since OP's array is only bidimensional).
    – Armfoot
    Aug 27, 2018 at 20:49

3 Answers 3


You can

  • write $link['id']==$id instead of in_array($id, $link) whitch will be less expensive.
  • add a break; instruction after $result = $link; to avoid useless loops
  • This page could be use to close future duplicates but sadly the accepted answer isn't very clean / readable. Perhaps improve this answer with a complete code block and keep the explanation. Jan 13, 2018 at 5:36

While this answer wouldn't have worked when the question was asked, there's quite an easy way to solve this dilemma now.

You can do the following in PHP 5.5:

$newList = array_combine(array_column($list,'id'),$list);

And the following will then be true:

$newList[3243] = array(
                         'id'   = '3243';
                         'link' = 'fruits'; etc...
  • 3
    No, no, no, wait. Don't do this. Rather, go to array_column() in the php manual and read about its 3rd parameter. array_combine() should not be called. Jan 13, 2018 at 5:31

The simplest way in PHP 5.4 and above is a combination of array_filter and the use language construct in its callback function:

function subarray_element($arr, $id_key, $id_val = NULL) {
  return current(array_filter(
    function ($subarr) use($id_key, $id_val) {
      if(array_key_exists($id_key, $subarr))
        return $subarr[$id_key] == $id_val;
var_export(subarray_element($list, 'id', '3243')); // returns:
// array (
//   'id' => '9348',
//   'link' => 'orange',
//   'lev' => '2',
// )

current just returns the first element of the filtered array. A few more online 3v4l examples of getting different sub-arrays from OP's $list.

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