I'm defining this style in the document:
styles.add(ParagraphStyle(name='Table Header', font ='Helvetica-Bold',fontSize=16, alignment=TA_CENTER))
I use this to define paragraphs for text to go into the top row of each table (so that they wrap correctly):
L2sub = [(Paragraph(L[0][0], styles['Table Header']))]
Later, when I add a table, there's also a place to define styles:
('FONT', (0,0),(len(topiclist)-1,0),'Helvetica-Bold',16),
('FONT', (0,1),(len(topiclist)-1,1),'Helvetica-Bold',12),
My question is: where is the setting that defines the vertical height of the cells on the first row? I'm having some issues with text being too large for the cell and/or being set too low in the cell, but I can't pin down what's causing it or what to do to fix it. I've changed both sizes, but I can't get the cells to be anything other than all the same height. When I just put text into the cells instead of paragraphs, the table def'n worked nicely, but the paragraphs caused the problem.