[2nd Edit]
Because of breaking changes in the way Unity handles registrations, the updated approach does not work anymore. The [Original answer] is the way to go again. (For more details about the changes in Unity, please refer to the link given in the comments below.)
The solution for doing this via XML configuration can be found here. Based on that answer I would propose a streamlined code-only approach as follows:
_container.RegisterType<IEventService, EventService>(new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager());
_container.RegisterType<IEventServiceInformation, EventService>(new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager());
bool singleton = ReferenceEquals(_container.Resolve<IEventService>(), _container.Resolve<IEventServiceInformation>());
This way, the EventService class itself is not published by the container. As the class should be considered an implementaion detail, this is the preferable approach.
[Original answer]
A little late an answer, but should do the trick:
_container.RegisterType<EventService>(new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager());
_container.RegisterType<IEventService, EventService>();
_container.RegisterType<IEventServiceInformation, EventService>();
bool singleton = ReferenceEquals(_container.Resolve<IEventService>(), _container.Resolve<IEventServiceInformation>());