I'm running into a couple issues with JavaScript, namespaces and minification/concatenation. I have no control (at least I don't want to have any) over in which order the files get concatenated. Using a namespace function which simply returns an object when given a string such as 'com.example.ExampleClass', a 'class' might not be defined when I need it in another one.

Suppose I have a DocumentProvider object, which needs functionality from EventDispatcher. But, in my current setup, DocumentProvider is concatenated before EventDispatcher. I want to define this functionality on the prototype, so I can't extend it in the constructor.

So, my proposed solution is to use lazy initialization:

  • Define a top level namespace(alias, factory) function
  • Use pseudo-overloading in namespace to either assign a factory to the specified name or return the object created by the factory

Alternatively I could split it up in define(alias, factory) and import(alias). Better for readability, more polluting of global space.

My question is: am I overengineering? Are there better, simpler, more 'standard' solutions to this problem? And what's the risk of namespace functionality (with a different implementation) being added to the language?

1 Answer 1


Check out RequireJS It may save you a lot of time.

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