I am new to the web world and I am asked to developed an HTML5 website using Visual Studio 2012. I have the following questions:

  1. Can someone give me a link on how to set up visual studio 2012 to create HTML5 applications ? I tried to create a new project but didn t find an option for HTML5 applications at all?

  2. Can someone suggest a good youtube page or tutorial page on how to develop HTML5 websites using visual studio 2012?

2 Answers 2


HTML5 is a newer version of HTML for browsers that support the features that comprise it. You may want to start by reading the wiki entry for HTML5.

The W3C completed the HTML5 specification earlier this week (December 17, 2012).

Before focusing on what features Visual Studio 2012 provides for developing HTML5 web applications, I'd suggest learning what HTML5 is, how it works, and what browsers support what features.

A great place to start reading is Dive Into HTML5.


you can refer : http://docs.kendoui.com/tutorials/ASP.NET/asp-net-hello-html5

And if you are in hurry,can jump directly to 6th min in this video, for the straight forward answer to this Question.

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