Is there a simple, direct way to play a WAV file from Haskell using some library and possibly such that I play many sounds at once?

I'm aware of OpenAL but I'm not writing some advanced audio synthesis program, I just want to play some sounds for a little play thing. Ideally the API might be something like:

readWavFile :: FilePath -> IO Wave
playWave :: Wave -> IO ()
playWaveNonBlocking :: Wave -> IO ()

I'm this close to merely launching mplayer or something. Or trying to cat the wav directly to /dev/snd/ or somesuch.

  • You can happily invoke a 3rd party app. hmp3 uses mpg123 quite happily. Commented Dec 22, 2012 at 19:04
  • Yeah. Gonna try out this: tivo-mplayer.sourceforge.net/docs/mplayer-man.html#sect12 Quick enough for me. Commented Dec 22, 2012 at 19:14
  • 6
    No. It is not even simple to specify what you want to do. Do you want to be portably across multiple operating systems? Or do you only care about Linux? Are all the WAV files the same sample rate? Or do you need sample rate conversion as well? Is the sound card multichannel or not? Do you need low-latency/realtime? Or is high latency ok? If you restrict yourself to only Linux, things can actually be worse.. you have OSS, Alsa, Jack, and more! Why have one working way of playing sound when you can have 10 broken ways :p
    – stepcut
    Commented Dec 24, 2012 at 8:28

4 Answers 4


This is how to play multiple sounds on multiple channels at once with SDL. I think this answers the question criteria. WAV files, simple, Haskell, multiple channels.

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL
import Graphics.UI.SDL.Mixer as Mix

main = do
  SDL.init [SDL.InitAudio]
  result <- openAudio audioRate audioFormat audioChannels audioBuffers
  classicJungle <- Mix.loadWAV "/home/chris/Samples/ClassicJungle/A4.wav"
  realTech      <- Mix.loadWAV "/home/chris/Samples/RealTech/A4.wav"
  ch1 <- Mix.playChannel anyChannel classicJungle 0
  SDL.delay 1000
  ch2 <- Mix.playChannel anyChannel realTech 0
  fix $ \loop -> do
    SDL.delay 50
    stillPlaying <- numChannelsPlaying
    when (stillPlaying /= 0) loop

  where audioRate     = 22050
        audioFormat   = Mix.AudioS16LSB
        audioChannels = 2
        audioBuffers  = 4096
        anyChannel    = (-1)
  • Thank you! It is surprisingly tough to play audio using haskell. Commented May 5, 2014 at 21:33

I realize this is not actually a convenient way to do it, but I had the test code lying around, so...

{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
module Wav (main) where

import Fay.W3C.Events
import Fay.W3C.Html5

import Language.Fay.FFI
import Language.Fay.Prelude

main :: Fay ()
main = addWindowEventListener "load" run

run :: Event -> Fay Bool
run _ = do
    aud <- mkAudio
    setSrc aud "test.wav"
    play aud
    return False

mkAudio :: Fay HTMLAudioElement
mkAudio = ffi "new Audio()"

addWindowEventListener :: String -> (Event -> Fay Bool) -> Fay ()
addWindowEventListener = ffi "window['addEventListener'](%1,%2,false)"

There you go--playing a WAV file in Haskell thanks to the power of HTML5! All you have to do is launch a web browser instead of mplayer. :D

  • Where do you get Fay.W3C.* from? Commented Dec 24, 2012 at 18:18
  • @BenMillwood: From what the test code was testing. I had mentioned working on those bindings in #fay a few days prior, which is what motivated this semi-joke response. (P.S. For anyone who isn't aware, Chris Done is the original author of Fay.) Commented Dec 24, 2012 at 18:38
  • Yeah, I got the joke, but the code actually looks pretty cool as well :) Commented Dec 24, 2012 at 19:58
  • @BenMillwood: I hacked up a boilerplate-o-matic code generator that parses the W3C's IDL files and spits out FFI bindings for Fay. The result is only partly usable right now, but you can pester me on IRC if you're interested in the status of it. Commented Dec 24, 2012 at 21:58

using OpenAL through ALUT:

import Control.Monad
import Sound.ALUT

playSound :: IO ()
playSound =
  withProgNameAndArgs runALUTUsingCurrentContext $ \_ _ ->
    (Just device) <- openDevice Nothing
    (Just context) <- createContext device []
    currentContext $= Just context
    buffer1 <- createBuffer $ Sine 440 0 1
    buffer2 <- createBuffer HelloWorld
    [source] <- genObjectNames 1
    queueBuffers source [buffer1,buffer2]
    play [source]
    sleep 4
    closeDevice device
    return ()

main = playSound

to load a wav file:

buffer3 <- createBuffer $ File "/path/to/file.wav"

credit goes to Chris Double: http://bluishcoder.co.nz/articles/haskell/openal.html

module Main (main) where

import qualified SDL
import SDL.Mixer 

main :: IO ()
main = do
  SDL.initialize [SDL.InitAudio]
  withAudio defaultAudio 4096 $ do
    load "test.wav" >>= play
    SDL.delay 1000 

I was trying to play sound with Haskell and I found this board when I searched how to do this. Actually, I want to know some kind of solution in Japanese sites because I am Japanese, but I couldn't find such sites.
I tried the OpenAl one above and with a little revision I succeeded, but I want to have a result with a simpler way.
I use 'sdl2' and 'sdl2-mixer' library. To do this, I had to install sdl2 and sdl2-mixer library into my OS.

I am using DebianOS and I installed 'libsdl2-dev' and 'libsdl2-mixer-dev' with apt command.

sudo apt instll libsdl2-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev

(Because I installed these files many months ago, so my memory is ambiguous.) I use 'stack' to launch a Haskell project.

stack new myproject

(myproject is the project name)

In the myproject folder I edited the package.yaml file:

- base >= 4.7 && < 5
- sdl2
- sdl2-mixer

and I also edited then Main.hs file in the app folder. That is the above code.
I put the test.wav file in the myproject folder and with the command:

stack run

I could play the test sound.

  • 3
    Remember that Stack Overflow isn't just intended to solve the immediate problem, but also to help future readers find solutions to similar problems, which requires understanding the underlying code. This is especially important for members of our community who are beginners, and not familiar with the syntax. Given that, can you edit your answer to include an explanation of what you're doing and why you believe it is the best approach? Commented Feb 1, 2023 at 1:50

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