
How can I remove all string like below

<!-- ebanking log on -->

second example


end the bottom row with 'peace of mind garuntee' 


Example document : http://pastebin.com/Y4gZdceK

So it should remove all of the string blocks which starts with <!-- and ends with -->

I tried htmlagilitypack inner text but it did not remove


1 Answer 1


Try this regular expression:


Please note: You have to use RegexOptions.SingleLine to change the meaning of the dot (.) so it matches every character (instead of every character except \n).

Edit: code sample

var myRegex = new Regex(@"<!--.*?-->", RegexOptions.Singleline);
string strTargetString = @"[sample text here]";

string replacedText = myRegex.Replace(strTargetString, "");
  • thanks i tried but it failed. also there are code blocks like my second example at updated first post regex = new Regex(@"<!--.*?-->", RegexOptions.Singleline); regex.Replace(srBody, ""); Dec 30, 2012 at 18:40
  • I tested it in Regex Hero (regexhero.net/tester) and it works fine for me. It's important that you use the option RegexOptions.SingleLine, it makes all the difference. Dec 30, 2012 at 18:42
  • No prob, I'm glad I could help :) Dec 30, 2012 at 18:52

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