I'm working on a document management application on LAMP/php that lets you add and delete PDFs to our server. It works great, except for one nagging issue - the files you upload Monday might be gone Tuesday, and I can't diagnose why. it seems like the entire directory is getting deleted - my suspicion is that somewhere an incomplete string is getting passed to an unlink or something, but I've disabled every line of code I can find that removes files from the server and I'm still having trouble. How do I go about diagnosing the cause of these random disappearing files? Are there any utilities I can use to log any attempted removal of or changes to a file or directory?


1 Answer 1


idealy you'd want to find your bug...

find codebase/ -type f -exec grep -il "unlink" '{}' \;

alertativley if you want a hacky fix, update your apache user to have a umask that would enable it to create files, but not delete them...

sed -i 's/^\(start|[a-z|-]*)\)/\1\n    umask 0222/' `which apachectl`

also this would generate permission dennied errors in the error log...

  • find codebase/ -type f | xargs grep -sl "unlink " is easier to remember ... just my 3.14 cents.
    – specializt
    Commented Jan 23, 2013 at 22:18
  • @Michael would you mind explaining what the find command does and how it will help solve the problem asked.
    – crafter
    Commented Aug 30, 2015 at 19:23

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