How can I select any row that contains empty or null column?

I'm trying to run a check on my table, in which I want to see if any of my rows contain a column that doesn't hold a value..

example table: demo

| ID | col1 | col2 |
| 1  | VAL1 | Val2 |
| 2  | NULL | Val2 |
| 3  | VAL1 | NULL |

I want the query to return rows 2-3 , noting that I have many columns in actual table so I don't want to include it in the query with 'where or'.

can it be done with mysql?


4 Answers 4

select * from tablename where col1 is NULL or col2 is NULL


 ID | col1  | col2
 2  | NULL  | Val2     
 3  | VAL1  | NULL

the best answer that does not need to hard-code the column names is:

DECLARE @sqlStr VARCHAR(max) = (
        SELECT stuff((
                    SELECT 'and ' + c.NAME + ' is null '
                    FROM sys.columns c
                    WHERE object_name(object_id) = 'yourtablename'
                    ORDER BY c.NAME
                    FOR XML PATH('')
                    ), 1, 3, '')

SET @sqlStr = 'select * from ' + yourtablename + ' where ' + @sqlStr

PRINT @sqlStr

EXEC (@sqlStr)
  • 2
    for next generation :)
    Apr 9, 2016 at 4:45

If you really want not to use ORs, you could use this:

FROM demo
WHERE concat(col1, col2, ...) is Null

or this:

FROM demo
WHERE col1+col2+... is null

but while it's makes the query easier to write, it won't make it faster. I would suggest you just to use ORs.

  • This will return NULL if there is one column that is NULL. If you want to check if all columns in your list are empty use CONCAT_WS("", col1, col2, ...)
    – tomvo
    Jul 26, 2022 at 7:32
FROM mytable
WHERE col1 IS NULL or col2 IS NULL

You can use IFNULL to set default value

  • i believe, this is used, when you want to fill the null column to zero :/
    – Ravi
    Jan 1, 2013 at 16:53
  • but, OP just need to show the related information, whose column holds NULL value, nevertheless, good effort. :)
    – Ravi
    Jan 1, 2013 at 16:55

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