Based on @Sailesh and @DavidCulp:
(on branch development)
$ git fetch origin master
$ git merge FETCH_HEAD
(resolve any merge conflicts if there are any)
$ git checkout master
$ git merge --no-ff development (there won't be any conflicts now)
The first command will make sure you have all upstream commits made to remote master, with Sailesh response that would not happen.
The second will perform a merge and create conflicts that you can then resolve.
After doing so, you can finally checkout master to switch to master.
Then you merge the development branch onto the local master. The no-ff flag will create a commit node in master for the whole merge to be trackable.
After that you can commit and push your merge.
This procedure will make sure there's a merge commit from development to master that people can see, then if they go look at the development branch they can see the individual commits you've made to that branch during its development.
Optionally, you can amend your merge commit before you push it, if you want to add a summary of what was done in the development branch.
EDIT: my original answer suggested a git merge master
which didn't do anything, it's better to do git merge FETCH_HEAD
after fetching the origin/master
git pull -u
sets the upstream tracking for the branch (or all branches if pushing more than one). Once it is set the tracking persists. There is no reason to use it continually.