I host my files on bitbucket and normally commit changes every now and then.

Since my last commit, I have made some mistakes in my code.

(These mistakes have been saved in their respective local files and I haven't added it to the local git repo just yet using git add.)

I would like to revert back to my last commit with the working code. I am currently working on a branch off the master.

What command should I use for this?


2 Answers 2


git reset --hard will revert all files to HEAD. I prefer this to git checkout -- . but that's just a matter of preference.

  • I tried this git reset --hard ab53ga3s and it reverted my files to the ab53ga3s commit Jan 12, 2013 at 23:12

For a file: git checkout -- filename also git checkout -- directory/ will do this for the entire directory and of course git checkout -- . for the entire repository.

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