Consider the following scenario:

I have developed a small experimental project A in its own Git repo. It has now matured, and I'd like A to be part of larger project B, which has its own big repository. I'd now like to add A as a subdirectory of B.

How do I merge A into B, without losing history on any side?


27 Answers 27


If you want to merge branch some-branch from project-a into project-b:

cd path/to/project-a
git checkout some-branch

cd path/to/project-b
git remote add project-a /path/to/project-a
git fetch project-a --tags
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories project-a/some-branch
git remote remove project-a

Taken from: git merge different repositories?

This method worked pretty well for me, it's shorter and in my opinion a lot cleaner.

In case you want to put project-a into a subdirectory, you can use git-filter-repo (filter-branch is discouraged). Run the following commands before the commands above:

cd path/to/project-a
git filter-repo --to-subdirectory-filter project-a

An example of merging 2 big repositories, putting one of them into a subdirectory: https://gist.github.com/x-yuri/9890ab1079cf4357d6f269d073fd9731

The --allow-unrelated-histories parameter only exists since git >= 2.9. See Git - git merge Documentation / --allow-unrelated-histories

Added --tags as suggested by @jstadler in order to keep tags.

  • 15
    This did the business for me. Worked like a charm first time with only one conflict in the .gitignore file! It perfectly preserved the commit history. The big plus over other approaches - in addition to simplicity - is that with this there need not be an ongoing reference to the merged repo. One thing to watch out for however - if you're an iOS developer like me - is to be very careful to drop in the target repo's project file into the workspace. Commented Jun 26, 2015 at 8:31
  • 45
    Thanks. Worked for me. I needed to move the merged directory into a sub-folder so after following the above steps I simply used git mv source-dir/ dest/new-source-dir
    – Sid
    Commented Feb 1, 2016 at 20:33
  • 7
    @sg An indirect way would be to move all those files in project-a into a subdir in project-a (such that the top level of project-a only has that one directory) and then follow the above process.
    – Sid
    Commented Apr 4, 2016 at 12:51
  • 17
    The git merge step fails here with fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories; --allow-unrelated-histories fixes that as explained in the docs.
    – ssc
    Commented Jul 22, 2016 at 13:14
  • 17
    Shorter: git fetch /path/to/project-a master; git merge --allow-unrelated-histories FETCH_HEAD.
    – jthill
    Commented Jan 9, 2017 at 16:49

Here are two possible solutions:


Either copy repository A into a separate directory in larger project B, or (perhaps better) clone repository A into a subdirectory in project B. Then use git submodule to make this repository a submodule of a repository B.

This is a good solution for loosely-coupled repositories, where development in repository A continues, and the major portion of development is a separate stand-alone development in A. See also SubmoduleSupport and GitSubmoduleTutorial pages on Git Wiki.

Subtree merge

You can merge repository A into a subdirectory of a project B using the subtree merge strategy. This is described in Subtree Merging and You by Markus Prinz.

git remote add -f Bproject /path/to/B
git merge -s ours --allow-unrelated-histories --no-commit Bproject/master
git read-tree --prefix=dir-B/ -u Bproject/master
git commit -m "Merge B project as our subdirectory"
git pull -s subtree Bproject master

(Option --allow-unrelated-histories is needed for Git >= 2.9.0.)

Or you can use git subtree tool (repository on GitHub) by apenwarr (Avery Pennarun), announced for example in his blog post A new alternative to Git submodules: git subtree.

I think in your case (A is to be part of larger project B) the correct solution would be to use subtree merge.

  • 1
    This works and seems to preserve the history, but not such that you could use it to diff files or bisect through the merge. Am I missing a step?
    – jettero
    Commented May 7, 2012 at 12:44
  • 62
    this is incomplete. Yes you get a load of commits, but they no longer refer to the right paths. git log dir-B/somefile won't show anything except the one merge. See Greg Hewgill's answer references this important issue. Commented Jun 1, 2012 at 14:52
  • 2
    IMPORTANT: git pull --no-rebase -s subtree Bproject master If you don't do that, and you have pull set to rebase automatically, you'll end up with "Could not parse object". See osdir.com/ml/git/2009-07/msg01576.html Commented Sep 16, 2012 at 14:35
  • 4
    This answer may be confusing because it has B as the merged subtree when in the question it was A. Result of a copy and paste?
    – vfclists
    Commented Sep 20, 2012 at 11:32
  • 12
    If you're trying to simply glue two repositories together, submodules and subtree merges are the wrong tool to use because they don't preserve all of the file history (as other commenters have noted). See stackoverflow.com/questions/13040958/….
    – Eric Lee
    Commented Jan 23, 2013 at 0:06

A single branch of another repository can be easily placed under a subdirectory retaining its history. For example:

git subtree add --prefix=rails git://github.com/rails/rails.git master

This will appear as a single commit where all files of Rails master branch are added into "rails" directory. However the commit's title contains a reference to the old history tree:

Add 'rails/' from commit <rev>

Where <rev> is a SHA-1 commit hash. You can still see the history, blame some changes.

git log <rev>
git blame <rev> -- README.md

Note that you can't see the directory prefix from here since this is an actual old branch left intact. You should treat this like a usual file move commit: you will need an extra jump when reaching it.

# finishes with all files added at once commit
git log rails/README.md

# then continue from original tree
git log <rev> -- README.md

There are more complex solutions like doing this manually or rewriting the history as described in other answers.

The git-subtree command is a part of official git-contrib, some packet managers install it by default (OS X Homebrew). But you might have to install it by yourself in addition to git.

  • 3
    Here are instructions on how to install Git SubTree (as of June 2013): stackoverflow.com/a/11613541/694469 (and I replaced git co v1.7.11.3 with ... v1.8.3).
    – KajMagnus
    Commented Jun 7, 2013 at 14:31
  • 1
    Thanks for the heads up about the below answer. As of git 1.8.4 'subtree' still isn't included (at least not on the Ubuntu 12.04 git ppa (ppa:git-core/ppa) )
    – Matt Klein
    Commented Sep 30, 2013 at 2:10
  • 1
    I can confirm that after this, git log rails/somefile will not display that file's commits history except the merge commit. As @artfulrobot suggested, check Greg Hewgill's answer. And you might need to use git filter-branch on the repo you want to include. Commented Oct 8, 2013 at 12:07
  • 8
    Or read Eric Lee's "Merging Two Git Repositories Into One Repository Without Losing File History" saintgimp.org/2013/01/22/… Commented Oct 8, 2013 at 12:17
  • 6
    As others have said, git subtree may not do what you think! See here for a more complete solution. Commented Feb 1, 2014 at 8:13

The submodule approach is good if you want to maintain the project separately. However, if you really want to merge both projects into the same repository, then you have a bit more work to do.

The first thing would be to use git filter-branch to rewrite the names of everything in the second repository to be in the subdirectory where you would like them to end up. So instead of foo.c, bar.html, you would have projb/foo.c and projb/bar.html.

Then, you should be able to do something like the following:

git remote add projb [wherever]
git pull projb

The git pull will do a git fetch followed by a git merge. There should be no conflicts, if the repository you're pulling to does not yet have a projb/ directory.

Further searching indicates that something similar was done to merge gitk into git. Junio C Hamano writes about it here: http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg03395.html

  • 4
    subtree merge would be better solution, and do not require rewriting history of included project Commented Sep 15, 2009 at 9:18
  • 9
    I'd like to know how to use git filter-branch to achieve this. In the man page it says about the opposite way around: making subdir/ become the root, but not the other way around. Commented Jun 1, 2012 at 15:11
  • 41
    this answer would be great if it explained how to use filter-branch to achieve the desired result
    – Anentropic
    Commented Jan 21, 2013 at 14:49
  • 14
    I found how to use filter-branch here: stackoverflow.com/questions/4042816/… Commented May 10, 2013 at 22:18
  • 4
    See this answer for the implementation of Greg's outline. Commented Feb 1, 2014 at 8:11

git-subtree is nice, but it is probably not the one you want.

For example, if projectA is the directory created in B, after git subtree,

git log projectA

lists only one commit: the merge. The commits from the merged project are for different paths, so they don't show up.

Greg Hewgill's answer comes closest, although it doesn't actually say how to rewrite the paths.

The solution is surprisingly simple.

(1) In A,

PREFIX=projectA #adjust this

git filter-branch --index-filter '
    git ls-files -s |
    sed "s,\t,&'"$PREFIX"'/," |
    GIT_INDEX_FILE=$GIT_INDEX_FILE.new git update-index --index-info &&

Note: This rewrites history; you may want to first make a backup of A.

Note Bene: You have to modify the substitute script inside the sed command in the case that you use non-ascii characters (or white characters) in file names or path. In that case the file location inside a record produced by "ls-files -s" begins with quotation mark.

(2) Then in B, run

git pull path/to/A

Voila! You have a projectA directory in B. If you run git log projectA, you will see all commits from A.

In my case, I wanted two subdirectories, projectA and projectB. In that case, I did step (1) to B as well.

  • 1
    It looks like you copied your answer from stackoverflow.com/a/618113/586086?
    – Andrew Mao
    Commented Apr 1, 2014 at 21:47
  • 1
    @AndrewMao, I think so...I actually can't remember. I've used this script quite a bit. Commented Apr 1, 2014 at 22:38
  • 6
    I'd add that \t doesn't work on OS X and you have to enter <tab>
    – Muneeb Ali
    Commented Dec 24, 2014 at 21:56
  • 2
    "$GIT_INDEX_FILE" must be quoted (twice), otherwise your method will fail if e.g. the path contains spaces.
    – Rob W
    Commented Jan 17, 2015 at 14:43
  • 4
    If you're wondering, to insert a <tab> in osx, you need to Ctrl-V <tab>
    – casey
    Commented Jul 19, 2015 at 9:51

If both repositories have same kind of files (like two Rails repositories for different projects), you can fetch data of the secondary repository to your current repository:

git fetch git://repository.url/repo.git master:branch_name

and then merge it to current repository:

git merge --allow-unrelated-histories branch_name

If your Git version is smaller than 2.9, remove --allow-unrelated-histories.

After this, conflicts may occur. You can resolve them for example with git mergetool. kdiff3 can be used solely with keyboard, so 5 conflict file takes when reading the code just few minutes.

Remember to finish the merge:

git commit
  • 2
    I love the simplicity of this solution, and it seems like what I'm looking for, but isn't it basically just equivalent to a git pull --allow-unrelated-histories? Commented Sep 5, 2020 at 0:21
  • 1
    @Prometheus Kind of so. I didn’t test it now, but probably pull would’ve required adding the remote repository as a real remote, where this only fetches the necessary content to a branch and merges that content.
    – Smar
    Commented Sep 5, 2020 at 4:16

I kept losing history when using merge, so I ended up using rebase since in my case the two repositories are different enough not to end up merging at every commit:

git clone git@gitorious/projA.git projA
git clone git@gitorious/projB.git projB

cd projB
git remote add projA ../projA/
git fetch projA 
git rebase projA/master HEAD

=> resolve conflicts, then continue, as many times as needed...

git rebase --continue

Doing this leads to one project having all commits from projA followed by commits from projB


In my case, I had a my-plugin repository and a main-project repository, and I wanted to pretend that my-plugin had always been developed in the plugins subdirectory of main-project.

Basically, I rewrote the history of the my-plugin repository so that it appeared all development took place in the plugins/my-plugin subdirectory. Then, I added the development history of my-plugin into the main-project history, and merged the two trees together. Since there was no plugins/my-plugin directory already present in the main-project repository, this was a trivial no-conflicts merge. The resulting repository contained all history from both original projects, and had two roots.


$ cp -R my-plugin my-plugin-dirty
$ cd my-plugin-dirty
$ git filter-branch -f --tree-filter "zsh -c 'setopt extended_glob && setopt glob_dots && mkdir -p plugins/my-plugin && (mv ^(.git|plugins) plugins/my-plugin || true)'" -- --all
$ cd ../main-project
$ git checkout master
$ git remote add --fetch my-plugin ../my-plugin-dirty
$ git merge my-plugin/master --allow-unrelated-histories
$ cd ..
$ rm -rf my-plugin-dirty

Long version

First, create a copy of the my-plugin repository, because we're going to be rewriting the history of this repository.

Now, navigate to the root of the my-plugin repository, check out your main branch (probably master), and run the following command. Of course, you should substitute for my-plugin and plugins whatever your actual names are.

$ git filter-branch -f --tree-filter "zsh -c 'setopt extended_glob && setopt glob_dots && mkdir -p plugins/my-plugin && (mv ^(.git|plugins) plugins/my-plugin || true)'" -- --all

Now for an explanation. git filter-branch --tree-filter (...) HEAD runs the (...) command on every commit that is reachable from HEAD. Note that this operates directly on the data stored for each commit, so we don't have to worry about notions of "working directory", "index", "staging", and so on.

If you run a filter-branch command that fails, it will leave behind some files in the .git directory and the next time you try filter-branch it will complain about this, unless you supply the -f option to filter-branch.

As for the actual command, I didn't have much luck getting bash to do what I wanted, so instead I use zsh -c to make zsh execute a command. First I set the extended_glob option, which is what enables the ^(...) syntax in the mv command, as well as the glob_dots option, which allows me to select dotfiles (such as .gitignore) with a glob (^(...)).

Next, I use the mkdir -p command to create both plugins and plugins/my-plugin at the same time.

Finally, I use the zsh "negative glob" feature ^(.git|plugins) to match all files in the root directory of the repository except for .git and the newly created my-plugin folder. (Excluding .git might not be necessary here, but trying to move a directory into itself is an error.)

In my repository, the initial commit did not include any files, so the mv command returned an error on the initial commit (since nothing was available to move). Therefore, I added a || true so that git filter-branch would not abort.

The --all option tells filter-branch to rewrite the history for all branches in the repository, and the extra -- is necessary to tell git to interpret it as a part of the option list for branches to rewrite, instead of as an option to filter-branch itself.

Now, navigate to your main-project repository and check out whatever branch you want to merge into. Add your local copy of the my-plugin repository (with its history modified) as a remote of main-project with:

$ git remote add --fetch my-plugin $PATH_TO_MY_PLUGIN_REPOSITORY

You will now have two unrelated trees in your commit history, which you can visualize nicely using:

$ git log --color --graph --decorate --all

To merge them, use:

$ git merge my-plugin/master --allow-unrelated-histories

Note that in pre-2.9.0 Git, the --allow-unrelated-histories option does not exist. If you are using one of these versions, just omit the option: the error message that --allow-unrelated-histories prevents was also added in 2.9.0.

You should not have any merge conflicts. If you do, it probably means that either the filter-branch command did not work correctly or there was already a plugins/my-plugin directory in main-project.

Make sure to enter an explanatory commit message for any future contributors wondering what hackery was going on to make a repository with two roots.

You can visualize the new commit graph, which should have two root commits, using the above git log command. Note that only the master branch will be merged. This means that if you have important work on other my-plugin branches that you want to merge into the main-project tree, you should refrain from deleting the my-plugin remote until you have done these merges. If you don't, then the commits from those branches will still be in the main-project repository, but some will be unreachable and susceptible to eventual garbage collection. (Also, you will have to refer to them by SHA, because deleting a remote removes its remote-tracking branches.)

Optionally, after you have merged everything you want to keep from my-plugin, you can remove the my-plugin remote using:

$ git remote remove my-plugin

You can now safely delete the copy of the my-plugin repository whose history you changed. In my case, I also added a deprecation notice to the real my-plugin repository after the merge was complete and pushed.

Tested on Mac OS X El Capitan with git --version 2.9.0 and zsh --version 5.2. Your mileage may vary.


  • 1
    Where --allow-unrelated-histories are coming from? Commented Sep 7, 2016 at 13:38
  • 3
    @MarceloFilho Check man git-merge. By default, git merge command refuses to merge histories that do not share a common ancestor. This option can be used to override this safety when merging histories of two projects that started their lives independently. As that is a very rare occasion, no configuration variable to enable this by default exists and will not be added. Commented Sep 7, 2016 at 15:18
  • Should be available on git version 2.7.2.windows.1? Commented Sep 7, 2016 at 15:26
  • 2
    @MarceloFilho This was added in 2.9.0, but in older versions you shouldn't have to pass the option (it will just work). github.com/git/git/blob/… Commented Sep 7, 2016 at 15:34
  • This worked well. And I was able to use the filter branch to rewrite the file names to where I wanted in the tree prior to the merge. I'm supposing there's more work involved if you need to move the history besides the master branch.
    – codeDr
    Commented Sep 15, 2016 at 20:23

I've been trying to do the same thing for days, I am using git 2.7.2. Subtree does not preserve the history.

You can use this method if you will not be using the old project again.

I would suggest that you branch B first and work in the branch.

Here are the steps without branching:

cd B

# You are going to merge A into B, so first move all of B's files into a sub dir
mkdir B

# Move all files to B, till there is nothing in the dir but .git and B
git mv <files> B

git add .

git commit -m "Moving content of project B in preparation for merge from A"

# Now merge A into B
git remote add -f A <A repo url>

git merge A/<branch>

mkdir A

# move all the files into subdir A, excluding .git
git mv <files> A

git commit -m "Moved A into subdir"

# Move B's files back to root    
git mv B/* ./

rm -rf B

git commit -m "Reset B to original state"

git push

If you now log any of the files in subdir A you will get the full history

git log --follow A/<file>

This was the post that help me do this:



If you want to put the files from a branch in repo B in a subtree of repo A and also preserve the history, keep reading. (In the example below, I am assuming that we want repo B's master branch merged into repo A's master branch.)

In repo A, first do the following to make repo B available:

git remote add B ../B # Add repo B as a new remote.
git fetch B

Now we create a brand new branch (with only one commit) in repo A that we call new_b_root. The resulting commit will have the files that were committed in the first commit of repo B's master branch but put in a subdirectory called path/to/b-files/.

git checkout --orphan new_b_root master
git rm -rf . # Remove all files.
git cherry-pick -n `git rev-list --max-parents=0 B/master`
mkdir -p path/to/b-files
git mv README path/to/b-files/
git commit --date="$(git log --format='%ai' $(git rev-list --max-parents=0 B/master))"

Explanation: The --orphan option to the checkout command checks out the files from A's master branch but doesn't create any commit. We could have selected any commit because next we clear out all the files anyway. Then, without committing yet (-n), we cherry-pick the first commit from B's master branch. (The cherry-pick preserves the original commit message which a straight checkout doesn't seem to do.) Then we create the subtree where we want to put all files from repo B. We then have to move all files that were introduced in the cherry-pick to the subtree. In the example above, there's only a README file to move. Then we commit our B-repo root commit, and, at the same time, we also preserve the timestamp of the original commit.

Now, we'll create a new B/master branch on top of the newly created new_b_root. We call the new branch b:

git checkout -b b B/master
git rebase -s recursive -Xsubtree=path/to/b-files/ new_b_root

Now, we merge our b branch into A/master:

git checkout master
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories --no-commit b
git commit -m 'Merge repo B into repo A.'

Finally, you can remove the B remote and temporary branches:

git remote remove B
git branch -D new_b_root b

The final graph will have a structure like this:

enter image description here

  • Great answer, thanks! I really missed in the other answers with "git subtree" or "merge --allow-unrelated-histories" from Andresch Serj that the sub directory didn't have the log.
    – Ilendir
    Commented May 22, 2018 at 10:00

I have gathered a lot of information here on Stack OverFlow, etc., and have manage to put a script together which solves the problem for me.

The caveat is that it only takes into account the 'develop' branch of each repository and merges it into a separate directory in a completely new repository.

Tags and other branches are ignored - this might not be what you want.

The script even handles feature branches and tags - renaming them in the new project so you know where they came from.

## Script to merge multiple git repositories into a new repository
## - The new repository will contain a folder for every merged repository
## - The script adds remotes for every project and then merges in every branch
##   and tag. These are renamed to have the origin project name as a prefix
## Usage: mergeGitRepositories.sh <new_project> <my_repo_urls.lst>
## - where <new_project> is the name of the new project to create
## - and <my_repo_urls.lst> is a file contaning the URLs to the respositories
##   which are to be merged on separate lines.
## Author: Robert von Burg
##            [email protected]
## Version: 0.3.2
## Created: 2018-02-05

# disallow using undefined variables
shopt -s -o nounset

# Script variables
declare SCRIPT_NAME="${0##*/}"
declare SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd ${0%/*} ; pwd)"
declare ROOT_DIR="$PWD"

# Detect proper usage
if [ "$#" -ne "2" ] ; then
  echo -e "ERROR: Usage: $0 <new_project> <my_repo_urls.lst>"
  exit 1

## Script variables
TIMESTAMP="$(date +%s)"

# Script functions
function failed() {
  echo -e "ERROR: Merging of projects failed:"
  echo -e "ERROR: Merging of projects failed:" >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
  echo -e "$1"
  exit 1

function commit_merge() {
  current_branch="$(git symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null)"
  if [[ ! -f ".git/MERGE_HEAD" ]] ; then
    echo -e "INFO:   No commit required."
    echo -e "INFO:   No commit required." >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
    echo -e "INFO:   Committing ${sub_project}..."
    echo -e "INFO:   Committing ${sub_project}..." >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
    if ! git commit -m "[Project] Merged branch '$1' of ${sub_project}" >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1 ; then
      failed "Failed to commit merge of branch '$1' of ${sub_project} into ${current_branch}"

# Make sure the REPO_URL_FILE exists
if [ ! -e "${REPO_URL_FILE}" ] ; then
  echo -e "ERROR: Repo file ${REPO_URL_FILE} does not exist!"
  exit 1

# Make sure the required directories don't exist
if [ -e "${PROJECT_PATH}" ] ; then
  echo -e "ERROR: Project ${PROJECT_NAME} already exists!"
  exit 1

# create the new project
echo -e "INFO: Logging to ${LOG_FILE}"
echo -e "INFO: Creating new git repository ${PROJECT_NAME}..."
echo -e "INFO: Creating new git repository ${PROJECT_NAME}..." >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
echo -e "===================================================="
echo -e "====================================================" >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
cd ${ROOT_DIR}
git init
echo "Initial Commit" > initial_commit
# Since this is a new repository we need to have at least one commit
# thus were we create temporary file, but we delete it again.
# Deleting it guarantees we don't have conflicts later when merging
git add initial_commit
git commit --quiet -m "[Project] Initial Master Repo Commit"
git rm --quiet initial_commit
git commit --quiet -m "[Project] Initial Master Repo Commit"

# Merge all projects into the branches of this project
echo -e "INFO: Merging projects into new repository..."
echo -e "INFO: Merging projects into new repository..." >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
echo -e "===================================================="
echo -e "====================================================" >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
for url in $(cat ${REPO_URL_FILE}) ; do

  if [[ "${url:0:1}" == '#' ]] ; then

  # extract the name of this project
  export sub_project=${url##*/}

  echo -e "INFO: Project ${sub_project}"
  echo -e "INFO: Project ${sub_project}" >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
  echo -e "----------------------------------------------------"
  echo -e "----------------------------------------------------" >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1

  # Fetch the project
  echo -e "INFO:   Fetching ${sub_project}..."
  echo -e "INFO:   Fetching ${sub_project}..." >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
  git remote add "${sub_project}" "${url}"
  if ! git fetch --tags --quiet ${sub_project} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1 ; then
    failed "Failed to fetch project ${sub_project}"

  # add remote branches
  echo -e "INFO:   Creating local branches for ${sub_project}..."
  echo -e "INFO:   Creating local branches for ${sub_project}..." >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
  while read branch ; do
    branch_ref=$(echo $branch | tr " " "\t" | cut -f 1)
    branch_name=$(echo $branch | tr " " "\t" | cut -f 2 | cut -d / -f 3-)

    echo -e "INFO:   Creating branch ${branch_name}..."
    echo -e "INFO:   Creating branch ${branch_name}..." >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1

    # create and checkout new merge branch off of master
    if ! git checkout -b "${sub_project}/${branch_name}" master >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1 ; then failed "Failed preparing ${branch_name}" ; fi
    if ! git reset --hard ; then failed "Failed preparing ${branch_name}" >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1 ; fi
    if ! git clean -d --force ; then failed "Failed preparing ${branch_name}" >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1 ; fi

    # Merge the project
    echo -e "INFO:   Merging ${sub_project}..."
    echo -e "INFO:   Merging ${sub_project}..." >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
    if ! git merge --allow-unrelated-histories --no-commit "remotes/${sub_project}/${branch_name}" >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1 ; then
      failed "Failed to merge branch 'remotes/${sub_project}/${branch_name}' from ${sub_project}"

    # And now see if we need to commit (maybe there was a merge)
    commit_merge "${sub_project}/${branch_name}"

    # relocate projects files into own directory
    if [ "$(ls)" == "${sub_project}" ] ; then
      echo -e "WARN:   Not moving files in branch ${branch_name} of ${sub_project} as already only one root level."
      echo -e "WARN:   Not moving files in branch ${branch_name} of ${sub_project} as already only one root level." >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
      echo -e "INFO:   Moving files in branch ${branch_name} of ${sub_project} so we have a single directory..."
      echo -e "INFO:   Moving files in branch ${branch_name} of ${sub_project} so we have a single directory..." >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
      mkdir ${sub_project}
      for f in $(ls -a) ; do
        if  [[ "$f" == "${sub_project}" ]] ||
            [[ "$f" == "." ]] ||
            [[ "$f" == ".." ]] ; then
        git mv -k "$f" "${sub_project}/"

      # commit the moving
      if ! git commit --quiet -m  "[Project] Move ${sub_project} files into sub directory" ; then
        failed "Failed to commit moving of ${sub_project} files into sub directory"
  done < <(git ls-remote --heads ${sub_project})

  # checkout master of sub probject
  if ! git checkout "${sub_project}/master" >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1 ; then
    failed "sub_project ${sub_project} is missing master branch!"

  # copy remote tags
  echo -e "INFO:   Copying tags for ${sub_project}..."
  echo -e "INFO:   Copying tags for ${sub_project}..." >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
  while read tag ; do
    tag_ref=$(echo $tag | tr " " "\t" | cut -f 1)
    tag_name_unfixed=$(echo $tag | tr " " "\t" | cut -f 2 | cut -d / -f 3)

    # hack for broken tag names where they are like 1.2.0^{} instead of just 1.2.0

    echo -e "INFO:     Copying tag ${tag_name_unfixed} to ${tag_new_name} for ref ${tag_ref}..."
    echo -e "INFO:     Copying tag ${tag_name_unfixed} to ${tag_new_name} for ref ${tag_ref}..." >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
    if ! git tag "${tag_new_name}" "${tag_ref}" >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1 ; then
      echo -e "WARN:     Could not copy tag ${tag_name_unfixed} to ${tag_new_name} for ref ${tag_ref}"
      echo -e "WARN:     Could not copy tag ${tag_name_unfixed} to ${tag_new_name} for ref ${tag_ref}" >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
  done < <(git ls-remote --tags --refs ${sub_project})

  # Remove the remote to the old project
  echo -e "INFO:   Removing remote ${sub_project}..."
  echo -e "INFO:   Removing remote ${sub_project}..." >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
  git remote rm ${sub_project}


# Now merge all project master branches into new master
git checkout --quiet master
echo -e "INFO: Merging projects master branches into new repository..."
echo -e "INFO: Merging projects master branches into new repository..." >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
echo -e "===================================================="
echo -e "====================================================" >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
for url in $(cat ${REPO_URL_FILE}) ; do

  if [[ ${url:0:1} == '#' ]] ; then

  # extract the name of this project
  export sub_project=${url##*/}

  echo -e "INFO:   Merging ${sub_project}..."
  echo -e "INFO:   Merging ${sub_project}..." >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
  if ! git merge --allow-unrelated-histories --no-commit "${sub_project}/master" >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1 ; then
    failed "Failed to merge branch ${sub_project}/master into master"

  # And now see if we need to commit (maybe there was a merge)
  commit_merge "${sub_project}/master"


# Done
cd ${ROOT_DIR}
echo -e "INFO: Done."
echo -e "INFO: Done." >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1

exit 0

You can also get it from http://paste.ubuntu.com/11732805

First create a file with the URL to each repository, e.g.:

[email protected]:eitchnet/ch.eitchnet.parent.git
[email protected]:eitchnet/ch.eitchnet.utils.git
[email protected]:eitchnet/ch.eitchnet.privilege.git

Then call the script giving a name of the project and the path to the script:

./mergeGitRepositories.sh eitchnet_test eitchnet.lst

The script itself has a lot of comments which should explain what it does.

  • 1
    Instead of directing readers to an answer, please post the answer here (aka edit what you said in that comment into this answer).
    – josliber
    Commented Jun 11, 2015 at 14:12
  • 1
    Sure, just thought it better not to repeat myself... =)
    – eitch
    Commented Jun 13, 2015 at 15:16
  • If you think this question is identical to the other one, then you can flag it as a duplicate using the "flag" link under the question itself and indicating the other question. If it's not a duplicate question but you think the exact same answer can be used to solve both issues, then just post the same answer to both issues (as you have now done). Thanks for contributing!
    – josliber
    Commented Jun 13, 2015 at 15:29
  • Amazing! Did not work on Windows bash prompt, but it ran flawlessly form a Vagrant box running ubuntu. What a time saver!
    – xverges
    Commented Jun 1, 2017 at 16:42
  • Old but.. Maybe it's a good idea to put in bold (and/or bigger font size) the caveat(s)?
    – Pryftan
    Commented Oct 20, 2019 at 17:36

I know it's long after the fact, but I wasn't happy with the other answers I found here, so I wrote this:

me=$(basename $0)

TMP=$(mktemp -d /tmp/$me.XXXXXXXX)
echo "building new repo in $TMP"
sleep 1

set -e

cd $TMP
mkdir new-repo
cd new-repo
    git init
    cd ..

while [ -n "$1" ]; do
    repo="$1"; shift
    git clone "$repo"
    dirname=$(basename $repo | sed -e 's/\s/-/g')
    if [[ $dirname =~ ^git:.*\.git$ ]]; then
        dirname=$(echo $dirname | sed s/.git$//)

    cd $dirname
        git remote rm origin
        git filter-branch --tree-filter \
            "(mkdir -p $dirname; find . -maxdepth 1 ! -name . ! -name .git ! -name $dirname -exec mv {} $dirname/ \;)"
        cd ..

    cd new-repo
        git pull --no-commit ../$dirname
        [ $x -gt 0 ] && git commit -m "merge made by $me"
        cd ..

    x=$(( x + 1 ))
  • 2
    This was exactly what I was looking for. Thanks! However, I had to change line 22 to: if [[ $dirname =~ ^.*\.git$ ]]; then
    – heyman
    Commented Jan 9, 2013 at 15:02
  • 2
    ^.*blarg$ is wastefully greedy RE. Better to say .blarg$ and skip the front anchor.
    – jettero
    Commented Jan 27, 2013 at 17:57

If you're trying to simply glue two repositories together, submodules and subtree merges are the wrong tool to use because they don't preserve all of the file history (as people have noted on other answers). See this answer here for the simple and correct way to do this.

  • 2
    Your solution works well only for new repository, but how about to merge repo in another one with file conflicts? Commented Apr 11, 2017 at 5:22

I had a similar challenge, but in my case, we had developed one version of the codebase in repo A, then cloned that into a new repo, repo B, for the new version of the product. After fixing some bugs in repo A, we needed to FI the changes into repo B. Ended up doing the following:

  1. Adding a remote to repo B that pointed to repo A (git remote add...)
  2. Pulling the current branch (we were not using master for bug fixes) (git pull remoteForRepoA bugFixBranch)
  3. Pushing merges to github

Worked a treat :)


Merging 2 repos

git clone ssh://<project-repo> project1
cd project1
git remote add -f project2 project2
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories project2/master
git remote rm project2

delete the ref to avoid errors
git update-ref -d refs/remotes/project2/master

Similar to @Smar but uses file system paths, set in PRIMARY and SECONDARY:

git remote add test $SECONDARY && git fetch test
git merge test/master

Then you manually merge.

(adapted from post by Anar Manafov)


When you want to merge three or more projects in a single commit, do the steps as described in the other answers (remote add -f, merge). Then, (soft) reset the index to old head (where no merge happened). Add all files (git add -A) and commit them (message "Merging projects A, B, C, and D into one project). This is now the commit-id of master.

Now, create .git/info/grafts with following content:

<commit-id of master> <list of commit ids of all parents>

Run git filter-branch -- head^..head head^2..head head^3..head. If you have more than three branches, just add as much head^n..head as you have branches. To update tags, append --tag-name-filter cat. Do not always add that, because this might cause a rewrite of some commits. For details see man page of filter-branch, search for "grafts".

Now, your last commit has the right parents associated.

  • 1
    Wait, why would you want to merge three projects in a single commit? Commented Jul 17, 2013 at 23:59
  • I started with repository, repository-client, and modeler as separate git projects. This was difficult for the co-workers, so I joined them in a single git project. To be able that the "root" of the new project originates from three other projects, I wanted to have single merge commit.
    – koppor
    Commented Jul 18, 2013 at 15:03

To merge a A within B:

1) In the project A

git fast-export --all --date-order > /tmp/ProjectAExport

2) In the project B

git checkout -b projectA
git fast-import --force < /tmp/ProjectAExport

In this branch do all operations you need to do and commit them.

C) Then back to the master and a classical merge between the two branches:

git checkout master
git merge projectA

https://github.com/hraban/tomono as another mention of a script-based solution.

I am not the author but used it and it does the job.

One positive aspect is that you get all the branches and all the history into the final repo. For my repos (no duplicate folders in repos - actually, they came out of tfs2git migration) there were no conflicts and everything ran automated.

It is mainly used (see name) to create monorepos.

For Windows users: git bash can execute the .sh file. It comes with the standard git installation.


There is a Copybara tool used by Google for more complex use cases - https://github.com/google/copybara


I merge projects slightly manually, which allows me to avoid needing to deal with merge conflicts.

first, copy in the files from the other project however you want them.

cp -R myotherproject newdirectory
git add newdirectory

next pull in the history

git fetch path_or_url_to_other_repo

tell git to merge in the history of last fetched thing


now commit however you normally would commit

git commit
  • 1
    This was the only solution that made any sense, and did exactly what I wanted and expected.
    – Mike Lyons
    Commented Nov 9, 2020 at 22:09

I had to solve it as follows today: Project A was in bitbucket and Project B was in code commit .. both are the same projects but had to merge changes from A to B. (The trick is to create the same name branch in Project A, same as in Project B)

  • git checkout Project A
  • git remote remove origin
  • git remote add origin Project B
  • git checkout branch
  • git add *
  • git commit -m "we have moved the code"
  • git push

This function will clone remote repo into local repo dir, after merging all commits will be saved, git log will be show the original commits and proper paths:

function git-add-repo
    dir="$(echo "$2" | sed 's/\/$//')"

    tmp="$(mktemp -d)"
    remote="$(echo "$tmp" | sed 's/\///g'| sed 's/\./_/g')"

    git clone "$repo" "$tmp"
    cd "$tmp"

    git filter-branch --index-filter '
        git ls-files -s |
        sed "s,\t,&'"$dir"'/," |
        GIT_INDEX_FILE="$GIT_INDEX_FILE.new" git update-index --index-info &&
        mv "$GIT_INDEX_FILE.new" "$GIT_INDEX_FILE"
    ' HEAD

    cd "$path"
    git remote add -f "$remote" "file://$tmp/.git"
    git pull "$remote/master"
    git merge --allow-unrelated-histories -m "Merge repo $repo into master" --edit "$remote/master"
    git remote remove "$remote"
    rm -rf "$tmp"

How to use:

cd current/package
git-add-repo https://github.com/example/example dir/to/save

If make a little changes you can even move files/dirs of merged repo into different paths, for example:


tmp="$(mktemp -d)"
remote="$(echo "$tmp" | sed 's/\///g' | sed 's/\./_/g')"

git clone "$repo" "$tmp"
cd "$tmp"


function git-mv-store
    from="$(echo "$1" | sed 's/\./\\./')"
    to="$(echo "$2" | sed 's/\./\\./')"


# NOTICE! This paths used for example! Use yours instead!
git-mv-store 'public/index.php' 'public/admin.php'
git-mv-store 'public/data' 'public/x/_data'
git-mv-store 'public/.htaccess' '.htaccess'
git-mv-store 'core/config' 'config/config'
git-mv-store 'core/defines.php' 'defines/defines.php'
git-mv-store 'README.md' 'doc/README.md'
git-mv-store '.gitignore' 'unneeded/.gitignore'

git filter-branch --index-filter '
    git ls-files -s |
    sed "'"$GIT_ADD_STORED"'" |
    GIT_INDEX_FILE="$GIT_INDEX_FILE.new" git update-index --index-info &&


cd "$path"
git remote add -f "$remote" "file://$tmp/.git"
git pull "$remote/master"
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories -m "Merge repo $repo into master" --edit "$remote/master"
git remote remove "$remote"
rm -rf "$tmp"

Paths replaces via sed, so make sure it moved in proper paths after merging.
The --allow-unrelated-histories parameter only exists since git >= 2.9.


In addition to all the answers using remote add -> fetch -> merge strategy: if you want to preserve tags from the other repository but don't want to spill them all into a common namespace (and possibly get collisions) you might want to change the fetch command a little bit:

git fetch --no-tags other_repo
git fetch --no-tags other_repo 'refs/tags/*:refs/tags/other_repo/*'

First command fetches all the branches as usual, but omits tags attached to commits, the second one also omits the usual tag fetching mechanism (git help fetch for more), and fetches all the tags mapping them from X to other_repo/X using git's refspec functionality.

References (branches, tags) are just files in git, and you can use directories for namespacing. The two commands above will preserve tags from the first repository as-is, and the ones from the other one will be prefixed with other_repo/

After the operation it's best to remove the other remote, so you don't accidentally fetch the tags the normal way and make a mess.


Given command is the best possible solution I suggest.

git subtree add --prefix=MY_PROJECT git://github.com/project/my_project.git master

I wanted to move a small project to a subdirectory of a larger one. Since my small project did not have many commits, I used git format-patch --output-directory /path/to/patch-dir. Then on the larger project, I used git am --directory=dir/in/project /path/to/patch-dir/*.

This feels way less scary and way more cleaner than a filter-branch. Granted, it may not be applicable to all cases.


Note: this solution may push uneeded LFS binaries (that are not used by the merge's ancestor commits), so you might want to improve this solution.

To complete the good answer by Andresch Serj in the case the project-a uses Git LFS in order to be able to push I had to first do:

cd /path/to/project-a
git lfs fetch --all # some old LFS objects might only be on the server of project-a and not in your clone of project-a

# possible alternative to the following two commands (untested): do a git lfs fetch from path/to/project-b
git remote add project-b-origin url-to-project-b-server
git lfs push --all project-b-origin

In my case this fixed the errors I got when attempting to git push the merge result in project-a clone directory:

remote: GitLab: LFS objects are missing. Ensure LFS is properly set up or try a manual "git lfs push --all".


Unable to find source for object <hash> (try running `git lfs fetch --all`)
Git LFS upload failed:
    (missing) <path> (<hash>)

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