I'm researching strategies for storing what could potentially be a large amount of data and I want to find the best storage technologies. I'm open to any suggestions MySQL, NoSQL, flat files, anything.

What I'm doing:

  • I will distribute all 4-byte integer numbers amongst a set of users.
  • Numbers will be 0 through 4,294,967,295, unsigned 4-byte integer range.
  • Users can have many thousands of these numbers.
  • Expecting thousands of users but small possibility of millions.
  • Numbers will be distributed over a period of time, not all at once
  • Using AWS, a few servers and EBS volumes

My main concern is storage space. I need to do this on the cheap and large volumes cost a bit of money on AWS.

I've done a little research on representing the number allocation mathematically but I found too many issues with that.


  • Somewhat efficient retrieval for analytics and realtime data display. Doesn't have to be lightning fast but reasonable.
  • I'll need to do lookups in both directions user id -> number and number -> user id
  • As little storage space as possible.
  • Reasonable (less than 8 GB) memory usage.
  • Must be accurate, lost numbers and mis-assigned numbers are not an option.

Here's what I've found so far:

The lower bound for storing all 4-byte numbers associated with 2-byte user IDs is ((4+2) * 2^32 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) = 24 GB.

Cassandra is a key/value pair database. Based on this http://www.datastax.com/docs/0.8/cluster_architecture/cluster_planning I calculate that if I used every 4-byte number as keys and 2-byte user IDs as values the I'd need approx 260GB of storage (without replication).

Redis is in-memory. I think this would eliminate it as a possibility since that much memory would be crazy expensive on AWS.

I'm currently looking for similar info on MySQL and Mongo.

Here's my question. Is there any references I could use for determining the best solution or are there alternate solutions to this that I'm not thinking of.

Thanks all.

UPDATE - I added an additional requirement, I need to lookup numbers based on user id and user id based on number. Also, Redis is in-memory so a direct implementation would make Redis more expensive than a disk based solution.

  • 1
    If you store as a flat array, the lower bound is simply 2 * 2^32 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 = 8 GB. No need to store the number itself, you can use that as the array index. Of course, that's not particularly tractable for an RDBMS-like solution... Commented Jan 13, 2013 at 19:55
  • @Oli does that pass "Somewhat efficient retrieval"? :-) Commented Jan 13, 2013 at 20:01
  • @JanDvorak: Who knows? ;) I guess it depends what is meant by "analytics"; an array is a pretty efficient way to index and represent a dense allocation. Of course, if the OP wants to do reverse-lookups (e.g. find all numbers assigned to a particular user), then it would be terrible. But that's the trade-off. Commented Jan 13, 2013 at 20:03
  • Reverse lookups (user id to number) is needed. I'll add this to the requirements list
    – crempp
    Commented Jan 13, 2013 at 20:07
  • When doing course assignments, it's best to make your own attempt. You'll learn a lot more.
    – Bohemian
    Commented Jan 13, 2013 at 20:31

2 Answers 2


Actually, you only need to store the numbers that have a user; if you're looking for a number that is not stored, you'll get an empty result so you know the number is not assigned.

For MySQL:

   id       bigint primary key,
   user_id  int,

   index (user_id);

The primary key will make sure 'id' has an index; also, bigint has more room so you don't run into nasty issues like integer overflow. Then, for each user, insert a record like so:

INSERT into mashup VALUES (181870388, 90128);

Want to know if a number has a user?

SELECT user_id FROM mashup where id=xxxxx;


SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mashup where id=xxxxx;

Want to know what numbers a user has?

SELECT id FROM mashup WHERE user_id=yyyyy;

The beauty is that you don't waste space storing all 4 billion numbers, only the number of user entries.

  • Thanks for the answer. This is a beautiful solution, however I will need to assign every number eventually which means at some point I will hit the worst case for this database storage solution.
    – crempp
    Commented Jan 14, 2013 at 2:15
  • In that case, unfortunately yes. The only optimization I can think of is storing ranges of numbers, if you know there will be a reasonable amount of adjacent numbers assigned to the same user.
    – JvO
    Commented Jan 14, 2013 at 17:19

Maybe our example can help. We are using couchdb to store the whole set of ported telephone numbers for a big country in Europe. Indexing this for the first time takes quite a bit but then map-reduce makes it very quick.

Our disk usage is as follows:

Usage: 8.2 GB
Numbers of documents: 22109793
Average characters per document: 272

Hope this helps in your choice.

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