I have 2 computers running VS 2012 pro, and neither of them are showing any of the highlighting or coloring for the XML based files like I had for VS2010.

The only express edition tool I have installed is SQL 2012, so I don't believe that is the problem.

WebMatrix 1 and 2 have never been installed on one of the computers.

I am pretty much at a loss here.

1 Answer 1


Fixed. I had to reset the environment more than once. Each time resulted in another part of VS breaking when I launched it. Eventually, I had reset it enough times that it is all working now.

Used "devenv /resetuserdata" to reset VS for the fix.

  • That worked for me. I was having problems with syntax highlighting for Javascript not working at all and the Dark theme having incorrect text colors. Apr 8, 2014 at 21:01

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