The conversion copies the bytes, but it also allocates space for the []byte on the heap. In cases where you convert strings to []byte repeatedly, you might save memory management time by reusing the []byte and using the copy command. (See and the special case about using a string as the source.)
In both cases of the conversion and the copy command, the copy itself is a straight byte copy which should run very quickly. I would expect the compiler to generate some kind of repeat move instruction that the CPU executes efficiently.
The reverse conversion, making a string out of a byte slice, definitely involves allocating the string on the heap. The immutability property forces this. Sometimes you can optimize by doing as much work as possible with []byte and then creating a string at the end. The bytes.Buffer type is often useful.
Chasing the red herring now, encoding and UTF-8 are not issues. Strings and []byte can both hold arbitrary data. The copy does not look at the data, it just copies it. Choose words carefully when saying things like strings are intended to contain UTF-8 or that this is encouraged. It is more accurate to simply note that some language features, such as the range clause of a for statement, interpret strings as UTF-8. Just learn what interprets strings as UTF-8 and what doesn't. Have non-UTF-8 in a string and need to range over it byte-wise? No problem, just don't use the range clause.
s := "string"
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
b := s[i]
// work with b
This is idiomatic Go. It is not discouraged and it violates no intention. It simply iterates over the string byte-wise, which is sometimes just what you want to do.
conversion usingunsafe
package and performance differ multiple orders of magnitude.