What is the most efficient way to groupby objects in an array?

For example, given this array of objects:

    { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 1", Value: "5" },
    { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 2", Value: "10" },
    { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 1", Value: "15" },
    { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 2", Value: "20" },
    { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 1", Value: "25" },
    { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 2", Value: "30" },
    { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 1", Value: "35" },
    { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 2", Value: "40" }

I’m displaying this information in a table. I’d like to groupby different methods, but I want to sum the values.

I’m using Underscore.js for its groupby function, which is helpful, but doesn’t do the whole trick, because I don’t want them “split up” but “merged”, more like the SQL group by method.

What I’m looking for would be able to total specific values (if requested).

So if I did groupby Phase, I’d want to receive:

    { Phase: "Phase 1", Value: 50 },
    { Phase: "Phase 2", Value: 130 }

And if I did groupy Phase / Step, I’d receive:

    { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 1", Value: 15 },
    { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 2", Value: 35 },
    { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 1", Value: 55 },
    { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 2", Value: 75 }

Is there a helpful script for this, or should I stick to using Underscore.js, and then looping through the resulting object to do the totals myself?

  • While _.groupBy doesn't do the job by itself, it can be combined with other Underscore functions to do what is asked. No manual loop required. See this answer: stackoverflow.com/a/66112210/1166087.
    – Julian
    Commented Feb 9, 2021 at 2:45
  • A bit more readable version of the accepted answer: ­ function groupBy(data, key){ return data.reduce( (acc, cur) => { acc[cur[key]] = acc[cur[key]] || []; // if the key is new, initiate its value to an array, otherwise keep its own array value acc[cur[key]].push(cur); return acc; } , []) }
    – aderchox
    Commented Jan 18, 2022 at 9:26

63 Answers 63


If you want to avoid external libraries, you can concisely implement a vanilla version of groupBy() like so:

var groupBy = function(xs, key) {
  return xs.reduce(function(rv, x) {
    (rv[x[key]] = rv[x[key]] || []).push(x);
    return rv;
  }, {});

console.log(groupBy(['one', 'two', 'three'], 'length'));

// => {"3": ["one", "two"], "5": ["three"]}

  • 29
    i would modify this way : ``` return xs.reduce(function(rv, x) { var v = key instanceof Function ? key(x) : x[key]; (rv[v] = rv[v] || []).push(x); return rv; }, {}); ``` allowing callback functions to return a sorting criteria
    – y_nk
    Commented Jul 6, 2016 at 16:50
  • 155
    Here is one that outputs array and not object: groupByArray(xs, key) { return xs.reduce(function (rv, x) { let v = key instanceof Function ? key(x) : x[key]; let el = rv.find((r) => r && r.key === v); if (el) { el.values.push(x); } else { rv.push({ key: v, values: [x] }); } return rv; }, []); } Commented Aug 3, 2016 at 10:54
  • 50
    Great, just what i needed. In case anyone else needs it, here's the TypeScript signature: var groupBy = function<TItem>(xs: TItem[], key: string) : {[key: string]: TItem[]} { ... Commented Dec 7, 2017 at 9:47
  • 60
    If anyone is interested, I made a more readable and annotated version of this function and put it in a gist: gist.github.com/robmathers/1830ce09695f759bf2c4df15c29dd22d I found it helpful for understanding what's actually happening here.
    – robmathers
    Commented Oct 25, 2018 at 23:19
  • 105
    can't we have sane variable names?
    – HJo
    Commented Jul 1, 2019 at 11:27

Using ES6 Map object:

 * @description
 * Takes an Array<V>, and a grouping function,
 * and returns a Map of the array grouped by the grouping function.
 * @param list An array of type V.
 * @param keyGetter A Function that takes the the Array type V as an input, and returns a value of type K.
 *                  K is generally intended to be a property key of V.
 * @returns Map of the array grouped by the grouping function.
//export function groupBy<K, V>(list: Array<V>, keyGetter: (input: V) => K): Map<K, Array<V>> {
//    const map = new Map<K, Array<V>>();
function groupBy(list, keyGetter) {
    const map = new Map();
    list.forEach((item) => {
         const key = keyGetter(item);
         const collection = map.get(key);
         if (!collection) {
             map.set(key, [item]);
         } else {
    return map;

// example usage

const pets = [
    {type:"Dog", name:"Spot"},
    {type:"Cat", name:"Tiger"},
    {type:"Dog", name:"Rover"}, 
    {type:"Cat", name:"Leo"}
const grouped = groupBy(pets, pet => pet.type);
console.log(grouped.get("Dog")); // -> [{type:"Dog", name:"Spot"}, {type:"Dog", name:"Rover"}]
console.log(grouped.get("Cat")); // -> [{type:"Cat", name:"Tiger"}, {type:"Cat", name:"Leo"}]

const odd = Symbol();
const even = Symbol();
const numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7];

const oddEven = groupBy(numbers, x => (x % 2 === 1 ? odd : even));
console.log(oddEven.get(odd)); // -> [1,3,5,7]
console.log(oddEven.get(even)); // -> [2,4,6]

About Map: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Map

  • @mortb, how to get it without calling the get() method? which is I want the output is display without passing the key Commented Dec 26, 2017 at 7:57
  • @FaiZalDong: I'm not sure what would be best for your case? If I write console.log(grouped.entries()); in the jsfiddle example it returns an iterable that is behaves like an array of keys + values. Can you try that and see if it helps?
    – mortb
    Commented Dec 28, 2017 at 8:51
  • 8
    You could also try console.log(Array.from(grouped));
    – mortb
    Commented Dec 28, 2017 at 10:32
  • 1
    to see the number of elements in groups: Array.from(groupBy(jsonObj, item => i.type)).map(i => ( {[i[0]]: i[1].length} )) Commented Mar 12, 2019 at 10:03
  • 1
    @Ansharja yes you can use a javascript object instead of a Map as long as the key-getter function returns a string. Reading your code, I'd like to point out that there would be edge cases when just invoking the string constructor -- String(keygetter) -- to wrap the output in the keygetter function might lead to unintended consequences, for example when using a Date as a key.
    – mortb
    Commented Jan 2, 2023 at 13:43

with ES6:

const groupBy = (items, key) => items.reduce(
  (result, item) => ({
    [item[key]]: [
      ...(result[item[key]] || []),
  • 6
    It takes a bit to get used to, but so do most of C++ templates as well Commented Jan 22, 2019 at 15:21
  • 12
    I wracked my brains and still failed to understand how in the world does it work starting from ...result. Now I can't sleep because of that.
    – user3307073
    Commented Mar 29, 2019 at 9:26
  • 21
    Elegant, but painfully slow on larger arrays! Commented Apr 2, 2019 at 17:59
  • 2
    @user3307073 I think it looks at first glance like ...result is the starting value, which is why it's so confusing (what is ...result if we haven't started building result yet?). But starting value is is the second argument to .reduce(), not the first, and that's down at the bottom: {}. So you always start with a JS object. Instead, ...result is in the {} that is passed to the first argument, so it means "start with all the fields you already had (before adding the new one item[key])". Commented Aug 13, 2020 at 21:07
  • 1
    @ArthurTacca you're correct, result is the accumulator, meaning that it's the "working value" that is updated by each item. It starts as the empty object, and each item is added to an array assigned to the property with the name of grouping field value.
    – Daniel
    Commented Aug 4, 2021 at 15:41

ES2024 native Object.groupBy and Map.groupBy

Object.groupBy([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], v => (v % 2 ? "odd" : "even"));
// { odd: [1, 3, 5, 7, 9], even: [2, 4, 6, 8] };

Map.groupBy([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], v => (v % 2 ? "odd" : "even")).get('odd');
// [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]

GroupBy one-liner, an ES2021 solution

const groupBy = (x,f)=>x.reduce((a,b,i)=>((a[f(b,i,x)]||=[]).push(b),a),{});


const groupBy = <T>(array: T[], predicate: (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => string) =>
  array.reduce((acc, value, index, array) => {
    (acc[predicate(value, index, array)] ||= []).push(value);
    return acc;
  }, {} as { [key: string]: T[] });


const groupBy = (x,f)=>x.reduce((a,b,i)=>((a[f(b,i,x)]||=[]).push(b),a),{});
// f -> should must return string/number because it will be use as key in object

// for demo

groupBy([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], v => (v % 2 ? "odd" : "even"));
// { odd: [1, 3, 5, 7, 9], even: [2, 4, 6, 8] };

const colors = [

groupBy(colors, v => v[0]); // group by colors name first letter
// {
//   A: ["Apricot"],
//   B: ["Brown", "Burgundy"],
//   C: ["Cerulean"],
//   P: ["Peach", "Pear"],
//   R: ["Red"],
// };

groupBy(colors, v => v.length); // group by length of color names
// {
//   3: ["Red"],
//   4: ["Pear"],
//   5: ["Brown", "Peach"],
//   7: ["Apricot"],
//   8: ["Burgundy", "Cerulean"],
// }

const data = [
  { comment: "abc", forItem: 1, inModule: 1 },
  { comment: "pqr", forItem: 1, inModule: 1 },
  { comment: "klm", forItem: 1, inModule: 2 },
  { comment: "xyz", forItem: 1, inModule: 2 },

groupBy(data, v => v.inModule); // group by module
// {
//   1: [
//     { comment: "abc", forItem: 1, inModule: 1 },
//     { comment: "pqr", forItem: 1, inModule: 1 },
//   ],
//   2: [
//     { comment: "klm", forItem: 1, inModule: 2 },
//     { comment: "xyz", forItem: 1, inModule: 2 },
//   ],
// }

groupBy(data, x => x.forItem + "-" + x.inModule); // group by module with item
// {
//   "1-1": [
//     { comment: "abc", forItem: 1, inModule: 1 },
//     { comment: "pqr", forItem: 1, inModule: 1 },
//   ],
//   "1-2": [
//     { comment: "klm", forItem: 1, inModule: 2 },
//     { comment: "xyz", forItem: 1, inModule: 2 },
//   ],
// }


const groupByToMap = (x, f) =>
  x.reduce((a, b, i, x) => {
    const k = f(b, i, x);
    a.get(k)?.push(b) ?? a.set(k, [b]);
    return a;
  }, new Map());


const groupByToMap = <T, Q>(array: T[], predicate: (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => Q) =>
  array.reduce((map, value, index, array) => {
    const key = predicate(value, index, array);
    map.get(key)?.push(value) ?? map.set(key, [value]);
    return map;
  }, new Map<Q, T[]>());
  • 1
    ||= is being rejected by my Babel?
    – Grant
    Commented Aug 18, 2021 at 2:46
  • 1
    That was just recently standardized. blog.saeloun.com/2021/06/17/…
    – loop
    Commented Aug 19, 2021 at 16:41
  • 2
    I love me my succinct takes-a-bit-more-time-to-figure-it-out magic one-liners! By far the most (subjectively) elegant solution.
    – Fung
    Commented Oct 24, 2021 at 4:48
  • 1
    Very elegant, especially being able to adjust the predicate in such a way. Gorgeous. Commented Jan 21, 2022 at 17:15
  • 1
    @vitaly-t If you want to use array like objects, you can use Array.from to convert to array or developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/…
    – nkitku
    Commented Dec 4, 2022 at 3:23

You can build an ES6 Map from array.reduce().

const groupedMap = initialArray.reduce(
    (entryMap, e) => entryMap.set(e.id, [...entryMap.get(e.id)||[], e]),
    new Map()

This has a few advantages over the other solutions:

  • It doesn't require any libraries (unlike e.g. _.groupBy())
  • You get a JavaScript Map rather than an object (e.g. as returned by _.groupBy()). This has lots of benefits, including:
    • it remembers the order in which items were first added,
    • keys can be any type rather than just strings.
  • A Map is a more useful result that an array of arrays. But if you do want an array of arrays, you can then call Array.from(groupedMap.entries()) (for an array of [key, group array] pairs) or Array.from(groupedMap.values()) (for a simple array of arrays).
  • It's quite flexible; often, whatever you were planning to do next with this map can be done directly as part of the reduction.

As an example of the last point, imagine I have an array of objects that I want to do a (shallow) merge on by id, like this:

const objsToMerge = [{id: 1, name: "Steve"}, {id: 2, name: "Alice"}, {id: 1, age: 20}];
// The following variable should be created automatically
const mergedArray = [{id: 1, name: "Steve", age: 20}, {id: 2, name: "Alice"}]

To do this, I would usually start by grouping by id, and then merging each of the resulting arrays. Instead, you can do the merge directly in the reduce():

const mergedArray = Array.from(
        (entryMap, e) => entryMap.set(e.id, {...entryMap.get(e.id)||{}, ...e}),
        new Map()

Later edit:

The above is probably efficient enough for most purposes. But the original question was "most efficient" and, as a couple of people have pointed out, that's not true of the above solution. The problem is mainly that instantiates a new array for every entry. I had thought that this would be optimised away by the JS interpreter but it seems maybe not.

Someone suggested an edit to fix this but it really looked more complicated. Already the original snippet is pushing readability a little. If you really want to do this, please just use a for loop! It's not a sin! It takes one or two more lines of code but it's simpler than functional techniques even though it's not shorter:

const groupedMap = new Map();
for (const e of initialArray) {
    let thisList = groupedMap.get(e.type);
    if (thisList === undefined) {
        thisList = [];
        groupedMap.set(e.type, thisList);

[Edit: updated to even more efficient implementation that avoids doing both .has() and .get() for keys that are already present.]

  • 6
    I don't know why this doesn't have more votes. It's concise, readable (to me) and looks efficient. It doesn't fly on IE11, but the retrofit isn't too hard (a.reduce(function(em, e){em.set(e.id, (em.get(e.id)||[]).concat([e]));return em;}, new Map()), approximately)
    – unbob
    Commented Apr 25, 2019 at 0:44
  • 3
    Because it's actually inefficient solution as it instantiates a new array at every reduce callback call. Commented Sep 22, 2022 at 17:09

I would check lodash groupBy it seems to do exactly what you are looking for. It is also quite lightweight and really simple.

Fiddle example: https://jsfiddle.net/r7szvt5k/

Provided that your array name is arr the groupBy with lodash is just:

import groupBy from 'lodash/groupBy';
// if you still use require:
// const groupBy = require('lodash/groupBy');

const a = groupBy(arr, function(n) {
  return n.Phase;
// a is your array grouped by Phase attribute
  • 4
    Isn't this answer problematic? There are multiple ways in which the lodash _.groupBy result is not in the format of the result the OP is requesting. (1) The result is not an array. (2) The "value" has become the "key" in the lodash object(s) result.
    – mg1075
    Commented Oct 24, 2018 at 18:22
  • 1
    to make it simpler, you can just pass the attribute directly to groupBy: const a = groupBy(arr, 'Phase')
    – Ollie
    Commented Nov 5, 2020 at 21:54

Although the linq answer is interesting, it's also quite heavy-weight. My approach is somewhat different:

var DataGrouper = (function() {
    var has = function(obj, target) {
        return _.any(obj, function(value) {
            return _.isEqual(value, target);

    var keys = function(data, names) {
        return _.reduce(data, function(memo, item) {
            var key = _.pick(item, names);
            if (!has(memo, key)) {
            return memo;
        }, []);

    var group = function(data, names) {
        var stems = keys(data, names);
        return _.map(stems, function(stem) {
            return {
                key: stem,
                vals:_.map(_.where(data, stem), function(item) {
                    return _.omit(item, names);

    group.register = function(name, converter) {
        return group[name] = function(data, names) {
            return _.map(group(data, names), converter);

    return group;

DataGrouper.register("sum", function(item) {
    return _.extend({}, item.key, {Value: _.reduce(item.vals, function(memo, node) {
        return memo + Number(node.Value);
    }, 0)});

You can see it in action on JSBin.

I didn't see anything in Underscore that does what has does, although I might be missing it. It's much the same as _.contains, but uses _.isEqual rather than === for comparisons. Other than that, the rest of this is problem-specific, although with an attempt to be generic.

Now DataGrouper.sum(data, ["Phase"]) returns

    {Phase: "Phase 1", Value: 50},
    {Phase: "Phase 2", Value: 130}

And DataGrouper.sum(data, ["Phase", "Step"]) returns

    {Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 1", Value: 15},
    {Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 2", Value: 35},
    {Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 1", Value: 55},
    {Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 2", Value: 75}

But sum is only one potential function here. You can register others as you like:

DataGrouper.register("max", function(item) {
    return _.extend({}, item.key, {Max: _.reduce(item.vals, function(memo, node) {
        return Math.max(memo, Number(node.Value));
    }, Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)});

and now DataGrouper.max(data, ["Phase", "Step"]) will return

    {Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 1", Max: 10},
    {Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 2", Max: 20},
    {Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 1", Max: 30},
    {Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 2", Max: 40}

or if you registered this:

DataGrouper.register("tasks", function(item) {
    return _.extend({}, item.key, {Tasks: _.map(item.vals, function(item) {
      return item.Task + " (" + item.Value + ")";
    }).join(", ")});

then calling DataGrouper.tasks(data, ["Phase", "Step"]) will get you

    {Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 1", Tasks: "Task 1 (5), Task 2 (10)"},
    {Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 2", Tasks: "Task 1 (15), Task 2 (20)"},
    {Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 1", Tasks: "Task 1 (25), Task 2 (30)"},
    {Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 2", Tasks: "Task 1 (35), Task 2 (40)"}

DataGrouper itself is a function. You can call it with your data and a list of the properties you want to group by. It returns an array whose elements are object with two properties: key is the collection of grouped properties, vals is an array of objects containing the remaining properties not in the key. For example, DataGrouper(data, ["Phase", "Step"]) will yield:

        "key": {Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 1"},
        "vals": [
            {Task: "Task 1", Value: "5"},
            {Task: "Task 2", Value: "10"}
        "key": {Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 2"},
        "vals": [
            {Task: "Task 1", Value: "15"}, 
            {Task: "Task 2", Value: "20"}
        "key": {Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 1"},
        "vals": [
            {Task: "Task 1", Value: "25"},
            {Task: "Task 2", Value: "30"}
        "key": {Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 2"},
        "vals": [
            {Task: "Task 1", Value: "35"}, 
            {Task: "Task 2", Value: "40"}

DataGrouper.register accepts a function and creates a new function which accepts the initial data and the properties to group by. This new function then takes the output format as above and runs your function against each of them in turn, returning a new array. The function that's generated is stored as a property of DataGrouper according to a name you supply and also returned if you just want a local reference.

Well that's a lot of explanation. The code is reasonably straightforward, I hope!

  • Hi.. Can see you group by and sum just by a value, but in case i want sum by value1 and valu2 and value3... u have a solution? Commented Oct 3, 2016 at 15:44
  • @SAMUELOSPINA did you ever find a way to do this? Commented Aug 16, 2017 at 12:22

This is probably more easily done with linq.js, which is intended to be a true implementation of LINQ in JavaScript (DEMO):

var linq = Enumerable.From(data);
var result =
    linq.GroupBy(function(x){ return x.Phase; })
          return {
            Phase: x.Key(),
            Value: x.Sum(function(y){ return y.Value|0; })


    { Phase: "Phase 1", Value: 50 },
    { Phase: "Phase 2", Value: 130 }

Or, more simply using the string-based selectors (DEMO):

linq.GroupBy("$.Phase", "",
    "k,e => { Phase:k, Value:e.Sum('$.Value|0') }").ToArray();
  • can we use multiple properties while grouping here: GroupBy(function(x){ return x.Phase; })
    – Amit
    Commented Dec 16, 2015 at 21:09
  • How is linq.js performance wise? Commented Jan 24, 2022 at 17:49

MDN has this example in their Array.reduce() documentation.

// Grouping objects by a property
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/Reduce#Grouping_objects_by_a_property#Grouping_objects_by_a_property

var people = [
  { name: 'Alice', age: 21 },
  { name: 'Max', age: 20 },
  { name: 'Jane', age: 20 }

function groupBy(objectArray, property) {
  return objectArray.reduce(function (acc, obj) {
    var key = obj[property];
    if (!acc[key]) {
      acc[key] = [];
    return acc;
  }, {});

var groupedPeople = groupBy(people, 'age');
// groupedPeople is:
// { 
//   20: [
//     { name: 'Max', age: 20 }, 
//     { name: 'Jane', age: 20 }
//   ], 
//   21: [{ name: 'Alice', age: 21 }] 
// }
  • 1
    I am missing something, obviously. Why can't we produce an array of arrays with this solution by MDN? If you try ti initialise the reducer with ,[] you get an empty array as a result. Commented Nov 9, 2020 at 12:25
  • @StamatisDeliyannis do you refer to the age example? It is not on the linked MDN site any more. But thanks for the example.
    – Timo
    Commented Dec 25, 2023 at 17:27
  • @StamatisDeliyannis, why do you want an arr of arr? an arr of objects is the better way.
    – Timo
    Commented Dec 25, 2023 at 20:28
_.groupBy([{tipo: 'A' },{tipo: 'A'}, {tipo: 'B'}], 'tipo');
>> Object {A: Array[2], B: Array[1]}

From: http://underscorejs.org/#groupBy


it's a bit late but maybe someone like this one.


const users = [{
    name: "Jim",
    color: "blue"
    name: "Sam",
    color: "blue"
    name: "Eddie",
    color: "green"
    name: "Robert",
    color: "green"
const groupBy = (arr, key) => {
  const initialValue = {};
  return arr.reduce((acc, cval) => {
    const myAttribute = cval[key];
    acc[myAttribute] = [...(acc[myAttribute] || []), cval]
    return acc;
  }, initialValue);

const res = groupBy(users, "color");
console.log("group by:", res);

Array.prototype.groupBy = function(keyFunction) {
    var groups = {};
    this.forEach(function(el) {
        var key = keyFunction(el);
        if (key in groups == false) {
            groups[key] = [];
    return Object.keys(groups).map(function(key) {
        return {
            key: key,
            values: groups[key]

You can do it with Alasql JavaScript library:

var data = [ { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 1", Value: "5" },
             { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 2", Value: "10" }];

var res = alasql('SELECT Phase, Step, SUM(CAST([Value] AS INT)) AS [Value] \
                  FROM ? GROUP BY Phase, Step',[data]);

Try this example at jsFiddle.

BTW: On large arrays (100000 records and more) Alasql faster tham Linq. See test at jsPref.


  • Here I put Value in square brackets, because VALUE is a keyword in SQL
  • I have to use CAST() function to convert string Values to number type.

A newer approach with an object for grouping and two more function to create a key and to get an object with wanted items of grouping and another key for the adding value.

    groupBy = (array, groups, valueKey) => {
            getKey = o => groups.map(k => o[k]).join('|'),
            getObject = o => Object.fromEntries([...groups.map(k => [k, o[k]]), [valueKey, 0]]);

        groups = [].concat(groups);

        return Object.values(array.reduce((r, o) => {
            (r[getKey(o)] ??= getObject(o))[valueKey] += +o[valueKey];
            return r;
        }, {}));
    data = [{ Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 1", Value: "5" }, { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 2", Value: "10" }, { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 1", Value: "15" }, { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 2", Value: "20" }, { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 1", Value: "25" }, { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 2", Value: "30" }, { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 1", Value: "35" }, { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 2", Value: "40" }];

console.log(groupBy(data, 'Phase', 'Value'));
console.log(groupBy(data, ['Phase', 'Step'], 'Value'));
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }

Old approach:

Although the question have some answers and the answers look a bit over complicated, I suggest to use vanilla Javascript for group-by with a nested (if necessary) Map.

function groupBy(array, groups, valueKey) {
    var map = new Map;
    groups = [].concat(groups);
    return array.reduce((r, o) => {
        groups.reduce((m, k, i, { length }) => {
            var child;
            if (m.has(o[k])) return m.get(o[k]);
            if (i + 1 === length) {
                child = Object
                    .assign(...groups.map(k => ({ [k]: o[k] })), { [valueKey]: 0 });
            } else {
                child = new Map;
            m.set(o[k], child);
            return child;
        }, map)[valueKey] += +o[valueKey];
        return r;
    }, [])

var data = [{ Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 1", Value: "5" }, { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 2", Value: "10" }, { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 1", Value: "15" }, { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 2", Value: "20" }, { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 1", Value: "25" }, { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 2", Value: "30" }, { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 1", Value: "35" }, { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 2", Value: "40" }];

console.log(groupBy(data, 'Phase', 'Value'));
console.log(groupBy(data, ['Phase', 'Step'], 'Value'));
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }


Checked answer -- just shallow grouping. It's pretty nice to understand reducing. Question also provide the problem of additional aggregate calculations.

Here is a REAL GROUP BY for Array of Objects by some field(s) with 1) calculated key name and 2) complete solution for cascading of grouping by providing the list of the desired keys and converting its unique values to root keys like SQL GROUP BY does.

const inputArray = [ 
    { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 1", Value: "5" },
    { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 2", Value: "10" },
    { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 1", Value: "15" },
    { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 2", Value: "20" },
    { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 1", Value: "25" },
    { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 2", Value: "30" },
    { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 1", Value: "35" },
    { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 2", Value: "40" }

var outObject = inputArray.reduce(function(a, e) {
  // GROUP BY estimated key (estKey), well, may be a just plain key
  // a -- Accumulator result object
  // e -- sequentally checked Element, the Element that is tested just at this itaration

  // new grouping name may be calculated, but must be based on real value of real field
  let estKey = (e['Phase']); 

  (a[estKey] ? a[estKey] : (a[estKey] = null || [])).push(e);
  return a;
}, {});


Play with estKey -- you may group by more then one field, add additional aggregations, calculations or other processing.

Also you can groups data recursively. For example initially group by Phase, then by Step field and so on. Additionally blow off the fat rest data.

const inputArray = [
{ Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 1", Value: "5" },
{ Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 2", Value: "10" },
{ Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 1", Value: "15" },
{ Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 2", Value: "20" },
{ Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 1", Value: "25" },
{ Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 2", Value: "30" },
{ Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 1", Value: "35" },
{ Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 2", Value: "40" }

 * Small helper to get SHALLOW copy of obj WITHOUT prop
const rmProp = (obj, prop) => ( (({[prop]:_, ...rest})=>rest)(obj) )

 * Group Array by key. Root keys of a resulting array is value
 * of specified key.
 * @param      {Array}   src     The source array
 * @param      {String}  key     The by key to group by
 * @return     {Object}          Object with grouped objects as values
const grpBy = (src, key) => src.reduce((a, e) => (
  (a[e[key]] = a[e[key]] || []).push(rmProp(e, key)),  a
), {});

 * Collapse array of object if it consists of only object with single value.
 * Replace it by the rest value.
const blowObj = obj => Array.isArray(obj) && obj.length === 1 && Object.values(obj[0]).length === 1 ? Object.values(obj[0])[0] : obj;

 * Recursive grouping with list of keys. `keyList` may be an array
 * of key names or comma separated list of key names whom UNIQUE values will
 * becomes the keys of the resulting object.
const grpByReal = function (src, keyList) {
  const [key, ...rest] = Array.isArray(keyList) ? keyList : String(keyList).trim().split(/\s*,\s*/);
  const res = key ? grpBy(src, key) : [...src];
  if (rest.length) {
for (const k in res) {
  res[k] = grpByReal(res[k], rest)
  } else {
for (const k in res) {
  res[k] = blowObj(res[k])
  return res;

console.log( JSON.stringify( grpByReal(inputArray, 'Phase, Step, Task'), null, 2 ) );


Here's a nasty, hard to read solution using ES6:

export default (arr, key) => 
    (r, v, _, __, k = v[key]) => ((r[k] || (r[k] = [])).push(v), r),

For those asking how does this even work, here's an explanation:

  • In both => you have a free return

  • The Array.prototype.reduce function takes up to 4 parameters. That's why a fifth parameter is being added so we can have a cheap variable declaration for the group (k) at the parameter declaration level by using a default value. (yes, this is sorcery)

  • If our current group doesn't exist on the previous iteration, we create a new empty array ((r[k] || (r[k] = [])) This will evaluate to the leftmost expression, in other words, an existing array or an empty array, this is why there's an immediate push after that expression, because either way you will get an array.

  • When there's a return, the comma , operator will discard the leftmost value, returning the tweaked previous group for this scenario.

An easier to understand version that does the same is:

export default (array, key) => 
  array.reduce((previous, currentItem) => {
    const group = currentItem[key];
    if (!previous[group]) previous[group] = [];
    return previous;
  }, {});


TS Version:

const groupBy = <T, K extends keyof any>(list: T[], getKey: (item: T) => K) =>
  list.reduce((previous, currentItem) => {
    const group = getKey(currentItem);
    if (!previous[group]) previous[group] = [];
    return previous;
  }, {} as Record<K, T[]>);
  • 2
    would you care to explain this a bit, it works perfect Commented Oct 29, 2019 at 22:05
  • 1
    @NuwanDammika - In both => you have a free "return" - The reduce function takes up to 4 parameters. That's why a fifth parameter is being added so we can have a cheap variable declaration for the group (k). - If the previous value doesn't have our current group, we create a new empty group ((r[k] || (r[k] = [])) This will evaluate to the leftmost expression, otherwise an array or an empty array, this is why there's an immediate push after that expression. - When there's a return, the comma operator will discard the leftmost value, returning the tweaked previous group. Commented May 26, 2020 at 23:25
  • 3
    Best syntax for TS. Best answer, when using with complex objects. const groups = groupBy(items, (x) => x.groupKey); Commented Sep 2, 2020 at 18:42
  • This is great. I'm a scala guy and feel right at home. Well.. except for what is the default for? Commented Oct 9, 2020 at 23:52
  • @javadba export default is just the syntax to be used with JS Modules, similar to just exporting, the default keyword will allow you to import like this: import Group from '../path/to/module'; Commented Oct 12, 2020 at 16:48
groupByArray(xs, key) {
    return xs.reduce(function (rv, x) {
        let v = key instanceof Function ? key(x) : x[key];
        let el = rv.find((r) => r && r.key === v);
        if (el) {
        else {
                key: v,
                values: [x]
        return rv;
    }, []);

This one outputs array.


i'd like to suggest my approach. First, separate grouping and aggregating. Lets declare prototypical "group by" function. It takes another function to produce "hash" string for each array element to group by.

Array.prototype.groupBy = function(hash){
  var _hash = hash ? hash : function(o){return o;};

  var _map = {};
  var put = function(map, key, value){
    if (!map[_hash(key)]) {
        map[_hash(key)] = {};
        map[_hash(key)].group = [];
        map[_hash(key)].key = key;


    put(_map, obj, obj);

  return Object.keys(_map).map(function(key){
    return {key: _map[key].key, group: _map[key].group};

when grouping is done you can aggregate data how you need, in your case

data.groupBy(function(o){return JSON.stringify({a: o.Phase, b: o.Step});})
    /* aggreagating */
         var sum = el.group.reduce(
             return l + parseInt(c.Value);
         el.key.Value = sum; 
         return el.key;

in common it works. i have tested this code in chrome console. and feel free to improve and find mistakes ;)

  • Thanks ! Love the approach, and suits my needs perfectly (I don't need aggregating).
    – aberaud
    Commented Mar 2, 2014 at 1:13
  • I think you want to change your line in put(): map[_hash(key)].key = key; to map[_hash(key)].key = _hash(key);.
    – Scotty.NET
    Commented Mar 3, 2015 at 13:46
  • Be aware that this is going to fail if the array contains strings with names similar to any function in object prototype (eg: ["toString"].groupBy())
    – tigrou
    Commented Nov 3, 2021 at 21:29

This solution takes any arbitrary function (not a key) so it's more flexible than solutions above, and allows arrow functions, which are similar to lambda expressions used in LINQ:

Array.prototype.groupBy = function (funcProp) {
    return this.reduce(function (acc, val) {
        (acc[funcProp(val)] = acc[funcProp(val)] || []).push(val);
        return acc;
    }, {});

NOTE: whether you want to extend Array's prototype is up to you.

Example supported in most browsers:

[{a:1,b:"b"},{a:1,c:"c"},{a:2,d:"d"}].groupBy(function(c){return c.a;})

Example using arrow functions (ES6):


Both examples above return:

  "1": [{"a": 1, "b": "b"}, {"a": 1, "c": "c"}],
  "2": [{"a": 2, "d": "d"}]
  • I liked a lot the ES6 solution. Just a little semplification without extending Array prototype: let key = 'myKey'; let newGroupedArray = myArrayOfObjects.reduce(function (acc, val) { (acc[val[key]] = acc[val[key]] || []).push(val); return acc;});
    – caneta
    Commented Apr 28, 2017 at 10:17

Without mutations:

const groupBy = (xs, key) => xs.reduce((acc, x) => Object.assign({}, acc, {
  [x[key]]: (acc[x[key]] || []).concat(x)
}), {})

console.log(groupBy(['one', 'two', 'three'], 'length'));
// => {3: ["one", "two"], 5: ["three"]}

Imagine that you have something like this:

[{id:1, cat:'sedan'},{id:2, cat:'sport'},{id:3, cat:'sport'},{id:4, cat:'sedan'}]

By doing this: const categories = [...new Set(cars.map((car) => car.cat))]

You will get this: ['sedan','sport']

Explanation: 1. First, we are creating a new Set by passing an array. Because Set only allows unique values, all duplicates will be removed.

  1. Now the duplicates are gone, we’re going to convert it back to an array by using the spread operator ...

Set Doc:https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Set Spread OperatorDoc: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Spread_syntax

  • i like your answer very much, it's the shortest one, but i still dont understand the logic, especially, who do the grouping here ? is it spread operator(...) ? or the 'new Set()' ? please explain it to us ... thank you
    – Ivan
    Commented Feb 8, 2020 at 16:08
  • 1
    1. First, we are creating a new Set by passing an array. Because Set only allows unique values, all duplicates will be removed. 2. Now the duplicates are gone, we’re going to convert it back to an array by using the spread operator ... Set Doc:developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/… Spread Operator:developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/… Commented Feb 9, 2020 at 23:43

You can use native JavaScript group array method (currently in stage 2).

I think solution is much more elegant, compared to reduce, or reaching out for third-party libs such as lodash etc.

const products = [{
    name: "milk",
    type: "dairy"
    name: "cheese",
    type: "dairy"
    name: "beef",
    type: "meat"
    name: "chicken",
    type: "meat"

const productsByType = products.group((product) => product.type);

console.log("Grouped products by type: ", productsByType);
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/minified.min.js"></script>


Most efficient way to group elements in an array of objects in JavaScript is using built-in method:


const input = [
    { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 1", Value: "5" },
    { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 2", Value: "30" },
    { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 1", Value: "35" },
    { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 2", Value: "40" }

const output = Object.groupBy(input, ({ Phase }) => Phase);

console.log(JSON.stringify(output, null, 4));


    "Phase 1": [
            "Phase": "Phase 1",
            "Step": "Step 1",
            "Task": "Task 1",
            "Value": "5"
    "Phase 2": [
            "Phase": "Phase 2",
            "Step": "Step 1",
            "Task": "Task 2",
            "Value": "30"
            "Phase": "Phase 2",
            "Step": "Step 2",
            "Task": "Task 1",
            "Value": "35"
            "Phase": "Phase 2",
            "Step": "Step 2",
            "Task": "Task 2",
            "Value": "40"

Note: Object.groupBy() method is now supported in Chrome 117 and started to be implemented by other browsers. Check browser compatibility

Polyfill of Object.groupBy in core-js library.


Based on previous answers

const groupBy = (prop) => (xs) =>
  xs.reduce((rv, x) =>
    Object.assign(rv, {[x[prop]]: [...(rv[x[prop]] || []), x]}), {});

and it's a little nicer to look at with object spread syntax, if your environment supports.

const groupBy = (prop) => (xs) =>
  xs.reduce((acc, x) => ({
    [ x[ prop ] ]: [...( acc[ x[ prop ] ] || []), x],
  }), {});

Here, our reducer takes the partially-formed return value (starting with an empty object), and returns an object composed of the spread out members of the previous return value, along with a new member whose key is calculated from the current iteree's value at prop and whose value is a list of all values for that prop along with the current value.


use groupBy in ECMAScript 2024 (ES15)



const inventory = [
  { name: "asparagus", type: "vegetables", quantity: 5 },
  { name: "bananas", type: "fruit", quantity: 0 },
  { name: "goat", type: "meat", quantity: 23 },
  { name: "cherries", type: "fruit", quantity: 5 },
  { name: "fish", type: "meat", quantity: 22 },

const result = Object.groupBy(inventory, ({ type }) => type);



Here is a ES6 version that won't break on null members

function groupBy (arr, key) {
  return (arr || []).reduce((acc, x = {}) => ({
    [x[key]]: [...acc[x[key]] || [], x]
  }), {})
  • 1
    Those spread operators really have earned their colours.
    – Rob Lyndon
    Commented Oct 4, 2022 at 10:40

Array.prototype.groupBy = function (groupingKeyFn) {
    if (typeof groupingKeyFn !== 'function') {
        throw new Error("groupBy take a function as only parameter");
    return this.reduce((result, item) => {
        let key = groupingKeyFn(item);
        if (!result[key])
            result[key] = [];
        return result;
    }, {});

var a = [
	{type: "video", name: "a"},
  {type: "image", name: "b"},
  {type: "video", name: "c"},
  {type: "blog", name: "d"},
  {type: "video", name: "e"},
console.log(a.groupBy((item) => item.type));
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>


I would check declarative-js groupBy it seems to do exactly what you are looking for. It is also:

  • very performant (performance benchmark)
  • written in typescript so all typpings are included.
  • It is not enforcing to use 3rd party array-like objects.
import { Reducers } from 'declarative-js';
import groupBy = Reducers.groupBy;
import Map = Reducers.Map;

const data = [
    { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 1", Value: "5" },
    { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 2", Value: "10" },
    { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 1", Value: "15" },
    { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 2", Value: "20" },
    { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 1", Value: "25" },
    { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 2", Value: "30" },
    { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 1", Value: "35" },
    { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 2", Value: "40" }

data.reduce(groupBy(element=> element.Step), Map());
data.reduce(groupBy('Step'), Map());

Let's fully answer the original question while reusing code that was already written (i.e., Underscore). You can do much more with Underscore if you combine its >100 functions. The following solution demonstrates this.

Step 1: group the objects in the array by an arbitrary combination of properties. This uses the fact that _.groupBy accepts a function that returns the group of an object. It also uses _.chain, _.pick, _.values, _.join and _.value. Note that _.value is not strictly needed here, because chained values will automatically unwrap when used as a property name. I'm including it to safeguard against confusion in case somebody tries to write similar code in a context where automatic unwrapping does not take place.

// Given an object, return a string naming the group it belongs to.
function category(obj) {
    return _.chain(obj).pick(propertyNames).values().join(' ').value();

// Perform the grouping.
const intermediate = _.groupBy(arrayOfObjects, category);

Given the arrayOfObjects in the original question and setting propertyNames to ['Phase', 'Step'], intermediate will get the following value:

    "Phase 1 Step 1": [
        { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 1", Value: "5" },
        { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 2", Value: "10" }
    "Phase 1 Step 2": [
        { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 1", Value: "15" },
        { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 2", Value: "20" }
    "Phase 2 Step 1": [
        { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 1", Value: "25" },
        { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 1", Task: "Task 2", Value: "30" }
    "Phase 2 Step 2": [
        { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 1", Value: "35" },
        { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 2", Task: "Task 2", Value: "40" }

Step 2: reduce each group to a single flat object and return the results in an array. Besides the functions we have seen before, the following code uses _.pluck, _.first, _.pick, _.extend, _.reduce and _.map. _.first is guaranteed to return an object in this case, because _.groupBy does not produce empty groups. _.value is necessary in this case.

// Sum two numbers, even if they are contained in strings.
const addNumeric = (a, b) => +a + +b;

// Given a `group` of objects, return a flat object with their common
// properties and the sum of the property with name `aggregateProperty`.
function summarize(group) {
    const valuesToSum = _.pluck(group, aggregateProperty);
    return _.chain(group).first().pick(propertyNames).extend({
        [aggregateProperty]: _.reduce(valuesToSum, addNumeric)

// Get an array with all the computed aggregates.
const result = _.map(intermediate, summarize);

Given the intermediate that we obtained before and setting aggregateProperty to Value, we get the result that the asker desired:

    { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 1", Value: 15 },
    { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 2", Value: 35 },
    { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 1", Value: 55 },
    { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 2", Value: 75 }

We can put this all together in a function that takes arrayOfObjects, propertyNames and aggregateProperty as parameters. Note that arrayOfObjects can actually also be a plain object with string keys, because _.groupBy accepts either. For this reason, I have renamed arrayOfObjects to collection.

function aggregate(collection, propertyNames, aggregateProperty) {
    function category(obj) {
        return _.chain(obj).pick(propertyNames).values().join(' ');
    const addNumeric = (a, b) => +a + +b;
    function summarize(group) {
        const valuesToSum = _.pluck(group, aggregateProperty);
        return _.chain(group).first().pick(propertyNames).extend({
            [aggregateProperty]: _.reduce(valuesToSum, addNumeric)
    return _.chain(collection).groupBy(category).map(summarize).value();

aggregate(arrayOfObjects, ['Phase', 'Step'], 'Value') will now give us the same result again.

We can take this a step further and enable the caller to compute any statistic over the values in each group. We can do this and also enable the caller to add arbitrary properties to the summary of each group. We can do all of this while making our code shorter. We replace the aggregateProperty parameter by an iteratee parameter and pass this straight to _.reduce:

function aggregate(collection, propertyNames, iteratee) {
    function category(obj) {
        return _.chain(obj).pick(propertyNames).values().join(' ');
    function summarize(group) {
        return _.chain(group).first().pick(propertyNames)
            .extend(_.reduce(group, iteratee)).value();
    return _.chain(collection).groupBy(category).map(summarize).value();

In effect, we move some of the responsibility to the caller; she must provide an iteratee that can be passed to _.reduce, so that the call to _.reduce will produce an object with the aggregate properties she wants to add. For example, we obtain the same result as before with the following expression:

aggregate(arrayOfObjects, ['Phase', 'Step'], (memo, value) => ({
    Value: +memo.Value + +value.Value

For an example of a slightly more sophisticated iteratee, suppose that we want to compute the maximum Value of each group instead of the sum, and that we want to add a Tasks property that lists all the values of Task that occur in the group. Here's one way we can do this, using the last version of aggregate above (and _.union):

aggregate(arrayOfObjects, ['Phase', 'Step'], (memo, value) => ({
    Value: Math.max(memo.Value, value.Value),
    Tasks: _.union(memo.Tasks || [memo.Task], [value.Task])

We obtain the following result:

    { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 1", Value: 10, Tasks: [ "Task 1", "Task 2" ] },
    { Phase: "Phase 1", Step: "Step 2", Value: 20, Tasks: [ "Task 1", "Task 2" ] },
    { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 1", Value: 30, Tasks: [ "Task 1", "Task 2" ] },
    { Phase: "Phase 2", Step: "Step 2", Value: 40, Tasks: [ "Task 1", "Task 2" ] }

Credit to @much2learn, who also posted an answer that can handle arbitrary reducing functions. I wrote a couple more SO answers that demonstrate how one can achieve sophisticated things by combining multiple Underscore functions:


groupBy function that can group an array by a specific key or a given grouping function. Typed.

groupBy = <T, K extends keyof T>(array: T[], groupOn: K | ((i: T) => string)): Record<string, T[]> => {
  const groupFn = typeof groupOn === 'function' ? groupOn : (o: T) => o[groupOn];

  return Object.fromEntries(
    array.reduce((acc, obj) => {
      const groupKey = groupFn(obj);
      return acc.set(groupKey, [...(acc.get(groupKey) || []), obj]);
    }, new Map())
  ) as Record<string, T[]>;
  • I would be interested about a perf benchmark of this version (with new array and destructuring at every round to create the value to be set) against another which create an empty array only when needed. Based on your code: gist.github.com/masonlouchart/da141b3af477ff04ccc626f188110f28
    – Mason
    Commented Apr 9, 2021 at 14:38
  • Just to be clear, for newbies stumbling onto this, this is Typescript code, and the original question was tagged javascript, so this is rather off topic, right?
    – Neek
    Commented Oct 12, 2021 at 3:50

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