I have an inline-block div.

.element {
display: inline-block;

I use jquery to repeatedly append it to the DOM.

  var element = $("<div class='element'>");

However the appended divs do not wrap. It is as if I had the following mark-up (no newlines)

<div class="element"></div><div class="element"></div><div class="element"></div><div class="element"></div>

Appending whitespace inbetween the elements does not fix problem:

  $(body).append(element).append(" ");

How can I force these elements to wrap? (I do not want to use floats).

  • Why not just turn your elements into blocks (or leave them like that actually, as that is the default for a div). Inline-block is rarely a good idea... Perhaps you should try to show what you are trying to achieve, or even set up a small fiddle (no need for the js there, just use your output, this is clearly a css issue)
    – Pevara
    Commented Jan 23, 2013 at 19:23

4 Answers 4


If they are simply div elements set to inline-block they should wrap like so: http://jsfiddle.net/72cYy/

Check and be sure their container/parent element does not have a white-space:nowrap. That would cause them to not wrap.

  • 7
    By default chrome does not wrap inline-block elements, use white-space:pre-wrap Commented Jul 13, 2014 at 3:00
  • This is what I want but i want the divs to be centered in the parent div, what should i add? Commented Aug 21, 2015 at 4:10
  • This is not the answer because inline-blocks width less than 50% do no wrap Commented Jun 18, 2023 at 18:08

You can give the elements width in terms of percentage. Change the percentage value with regard to the number of elements and how you want to wrap it.


I would recommend styling the element class with css to create the whitespace. If you don't want to do this you can always try to append a non-breaking space.

var element = $("<div class='element' />&nbsp;");
  • Unfortunately I already tried that. .element:after { content : "\a" } does not work with inline block Commented Jan 23, 2013 at 19:31

Alternatively, if the ::before pseudo element isn't being used, you can utilize it's powers to solve this issue.

element:before { /* single : to support older browsers */

this is a solution for inline elements

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