I can't find any solution for getting attribute from URL using Thymeleaf. For example, for URL:
I need to get "error" attribute value. Also I'm using SpringMVC, if it could be helpful.
After some investigation I found that it was Spring EL issue actually. So complete answer with null checking is:
<div id="errors" th:if="${(param.error != null) and (param.error[0] == 'true')}">
Input is incorrect
Another way of accessing request parameters in thymeleaf is by using #httpServletRequest
utility object which gives direct access to javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
An example usage with null checking looks like,
<div th:text="${#httpServletRequest.getParameter('error')}"
th:unless="${#httpServletRequest.getParameter('error') == null}">
Show some error msg
This is same as doing request.getParameter("error");
in java.
Source: Thymeleaf Docs
I tried this and it's working for me :
<div th:if="${param.error !=null}" class="col-xs-12 form-group">
<a th:href="@{somesite.com/login(error = ${#httpServletRequest.getParameter('error')}"><a>
This may work.