I want to loop over the content of a JSON file and print it to the console.

I think I did mix up something with lists.

This is what I tried to get all the team_name elements

from urllib2 import urlopen
import json

url = 'http://openligadb-json.heroku.com/api/teams_by_league_saison?league_saison=2012&league_shortcut=bl1'
response = urlopen(url)
json_obj = json.load(response)

for i in json_obj['team']:
    print i

And this is my JSON (simplified:)

    "team": [
            "team_icon_url": "http://www.openligadb.de/images/teamicons/Hamburger_SV.gif",
            "team_id": "100",
            "team_name": "Hamburger SV"
            "team_icon_url": "http://www.openligadb.de/images/teamicons/FC_Schalke_04.gif",
            "team_id": "9",
            "team_name": "FC Schalke 04"

(Full JSON output to be found here: Link)

And of course I get an error, that I should use integer input in [], not string, but I don't get how I could do that.

for i in json_obj['team']:
TypeError: string indices must be integers, not str

Here is the response:

<addinfourl at 139755086292608 whose fp = <socket._fileobject object at 0x7f1b446d33d0>>

What did I get wrong?

  • Can you print the response?
    – ATOzTOA
    Commented Jan 27, 2013 at 13:37
  • I can't reproduce the problem with the simplified JSON excerpt you provided (after having fixed the syntax error in it). Commented Jan 27, 2013 at 13:40
  • 1
    i ran this and it worked for me. what version of Python? Commented Jan 27, 2013 at 13:57
  • Works for me, too. Check the types of json_obj and json_obj['team']. Try with the json snippet you pasted first, disabling the HTTP request. It might not always return what you expect. Commented Jan 27, 2013 at 14:00
  • I am using Python 2.7.3, on Ubuntu 12.04
    – mcbetz
    Commented Jan 27, 2013 at 14:02

3 Answers 3


Actually, to query the team_name, just add it in brackets to the last line. Apart from that, it seems to work on Python 2.7.3 on command line.

from urllib2 import urlopen
import json

url = 'http://openligadb-json.heroku.com/api/teams_by_league_saison?league_saison=2012&league_shortcut=bl1'
response = urlopen(url)
json_obj = json.load(response)

for i in json_obj['team']:
    print i['team_name']

Try this :

import urllib, urllib2, json
url = 'http://openligadb-json.heroku.com/api/teams_by_league_saison?league_saison=2012&league_shortcut=bl1'
request = urllib2.Request(url)
request.add_header('User-Agent','Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)')
response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
json_object = json.load(response)
#print json_object['results']
if json_object['team'] == []:
    print 'No Data!'
    for rows in json_object['team']:
        print 'Team ID:' + rows['team_id']
        print 'Team Name:' + rows['team_name']
        print 'Team URL:' + rows['team_icon_url']
  • hi, where module urllib and urllib2?
    – KingRider
    Commented Feb 21, 2020 at 10:55

To decode json, you have to pass the json string. Currently you're trying to pass an object:

>>> response = urlopen(url)
>>> response
<addinfourl at 2146100812 whose fp = <socket._fileobject object at 0x7fe8cc2c>>

You can fetch the data with response.read().

  • I thought I converted the string to json with json.load - could you please give me a hint how to realize your solutions?
    – mcbetz
    Commented Jan 27, 2013 at 13:52

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