How do i display a string with Special Characters like € in a Javascript/jQuery alert?

eg: I want to display a message box with "The Price is €10"

But when i use the below code:

alert("The Price is €10");

The Output shown in the message box is "The Price is €10", I want my output to be "The Price is €10".

Can some help me with this please? Thanks in advance.


3 Answers 3


Use this as the alert. Works fine for me.

alert(' The Price is \u20AC 10');

The description is here : http://leftlogic.com/projects/entity-lookup/

  • What is the UTF8 for character å Jan 31, 2013 at 10:04
  • 1
    Try alert(' The Price is \u00E5 10'); And please have a look at the link I gave in my answer. just type 'a' and it will show all the related characters
    – Riju Mahna
    Jan 31, 2013 at 10:08
  • Thanks alot i found it - alert(' The Price is \u00E5 10'); Jan 31, 2013 at 10:10
  • 2
    Broken link :( d
    – Heitor
    Dec 31, 2017 at 9:38
  • The link is indeed broken, try this table as reference instead utf8-chartable.de. Simply replace the U+0008 by \u0008 or U+00A9 by \u00A9, for example.
    – CoqPwner
    Jun 29, 2021 at 18:25

The native alert method does not decode HTML encoded entities.

But browsers do while rendering HTML. One hack is to create a HTML element with the specific text as its innerHTML (so it does the character processing), then get back its text property and alerting it out.

function alertSpecial(msg) {
    msg = $('<span/>').html(msg).text();
alertSpecial('The Price is &euro;10');

This will work for all &xxx characters that the browser can display, without needing to find out the character code for each special character you may want to use.

  • Nice! That did the trick for me. I was geting a json response with encoded html characters in a string from an API where i can't modify the output to UTF8. Apr 13, 2016 at 13:51
  • An absolutely honourable response. This is the only workaround to properly show UTF-8 special characters and emojis in alert() functions retrieved from server-side AJAX responses sent as UTF-8.
    – andreszs
    Jun 2, 2023 at 20:28

Check :

alert("The Price is \u20AC 10");


Unicode Character 'EURO SIGN' (U+20AC)

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