I need to map ntext column of a table using the mapping by code feature in NHibernate 3.2, so that it doesn't get truncated to 4000 characters.

What do I neet to change in the following example? "Notes" is the property which has ntext type in sql table:

Property(emp => emp.Notes);

Note: Please don't mix it with fluent NHibernate or hbm file mapping.


3 Answers 3


So, I solved the problem as following:

Property(emp => emp.Notes, map => map.Column(col => col.SqlType("ntext")));

Actually, all what we need to do is: tell the NHibernate mapper the actual type of the column in sql. :)

The solution comes from here as pointed by jbl.


Maybe you can try this, which should also work for nvarchar(max) columns :

Property(emp => emp.Notes, m => m.Type(NHibernateUtil.StringClob));

Hope this will help

  • It doesn't work since it expects type of "Notes" to be nvarchar(MAX) instead of ntext.
    – Baig
    Feb 1, 2013 at 10:43
  • 1
    @Baig ok, thx. I hope this can be of some help devio.wordpress.com/2012/02/24/…
    – jbl
    Feb 1, 2013 at 10:50


Property(emp => emp.Notes, mapinfo => mapinfo.Lenth(someHighValue));

If the length provided is larger than what can fit in a varchar, NHibernate will switch to a different character type.


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