Consider following strucure as a registration subject with Autofac 3.0.0:
class Something
public int Result { get; set; }
class SomethingGood : Something
private int _good;
public int GoodResult {
get { return _good + Result; }
set { _good = value; }
interface IDo<in T> where T : Something
int Calculate( T input );
class MakeSomethingGood : IDo<SomethingGood>
public int Calculate( SomethingGood input ) {
return input.GoodResult;
class ControlSomething
private readonly IDo<Something> _doer;
public ControlSomething( IDo<Something> doer ) {
_doer = doer;
public void Show() {
Console.WriteLine( _doer.Calculate( new Something { Result = 5 } ) );
I'm trying to register concrete type MakeSomethingGood and then resolve it by contravariant interface.
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
builder.Register( c => new MakeSomethingGood() ).As<IDo<SomethingGood>>();
builder.Register( c => new ControlSomething( c.Resolve<IDo<Something>>() ) ).AsSelf();
var container = builder.Build();
var controller = container.Resolve<ControlSomething>();
... and Resolve
fails because no components found for IDo<Something>
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you
fails because Autofac didn't manage to find services by contravariant interface, i.e. findingIDo<SomethingGood>