This is an old thread but people might need this like I did.
None of the above works if your sentence starts with one or more spaces.
I did this to get the first (non empty) word in the sentence :
positive lookbehind in order to look for the start of the string, followed by zero or more spaces or punctuation characters (you can add more between the brackets), but do not include it in the match.
the actual match of the word, which will be returned
The following words in the sentence are not matched as they do not satisfy the lookbehind.
, case-insensitive, should be sufficient for "non-tricky" English .. however, it will fail for non-latin characters quickly - so update to use Unicode character classes as appropriate! Note that this assumes an NFA regex (like Ruby :D) which will "match the first thing it can", but that works in favor here as there is no need to anchor or otherwise complex look-arounds.