im trying to create a class that is a thread that can be stored in an array, which will make it easier for me to handle user inputs from clients to the server.

here is my PongPlayerThread

package Pong;

import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;

public class PongPlayerThread extends Thread 
private Socket socket = null;
private String pongData = "";

public PongPlayerThread() 

public PongPlayerThread(Socket socket, int id, String data) 
    pongData = data;
    this.socket = socket;

public void passData(String data)
    pongData = data;

public void run()
        PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), true);
    catch (IOException e) 


now in this line on my server where a client can connect

players[0] = new PongPlayerThread(serverSocket.accept(), 0, rtnInfo()).start();

I get this error "cannot convert from void to PongPlayerThread" why is that? I have searched but it is quite hard when you get the error with your classname.

I now have this code

        players[idPlayer] = new PongPlayerThread(serverSocket.accept(), idPlayer, rtnInfo());

but when a client connects i get this error Pong 400.0:301.0:60.0:300.0:740.0:300.0 Server started Server was setup and will try to create a socket Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at Pong.PongServer.main(PongServer.java:82)

the line it is pointing at is players[idPlayer] = new PongPlayerThread(serverSocket.accept(), idPlayer, rtnInfo()); ???


2 Answers 2

players[0] = new PongPlayerThread(serverSocket.accept(), 0, rtnInfo());
  • 1
    ok, when i now run my code i get this Pong 400.0:301.0:60.0:300.0:740.0:300.0 Server started Server was setup and will try to create a socket Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at Pong.PongServer.main(PongServer.java:82) if you want the code for the server just say
    – Canvas
    Commented Feb 12, 2013 at 22:43

The problem is that Thread.start() returns void, and you are trying to assign the result of new PPT(...).start() to players[0].

new PPT(...).start() returns void, and so the compiler is complaining that it can't convert this void into an object of type PongPlayerThread.

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