I'm introducing in Angular with its Tutorial "Phonecat". Against the tutorial I'd like to build a simple app with a list and detail view with only one json, containing all informations.
The list-view (showing complete content of the json) works fine but I'm struggle with how to set my Angular services for the detail-view. I am using the XHR method:
function PlaygroundDetailCtrl($scope, Playground) {
$scope.playgrounds = Playground.query();
angular.module('playgroundcatServices', ['ngResource']).
factory('Playground', function($resource){
return $resource('playgrounds/playgrounds.json', {}, {
query: {method:'GET', isArray:true}
"id:" 1,
"properties": "true"
"lat": "51.347789"
"lon": "12.232234"
"id:" 2,
"properties": "false"
"lat": "51.347789"
"lon": "12.766667"
I want Angular to display only one entry (id:1) with its properties. What is the smartest way to do that: showing again all and then filter?
I am stumped.