Recently I picked up a copy of The Definitive ANTLR 4 Reference
and since I am sophisticated when it comes to working with grammars and languages I wanted to work on my DSL I once have written using yacc
and bison
. The general idea is to write a translator (with included validation for type safety(1)) which translates the DSL to JavaScript during runtime which is then executed by v8.
Although ANTLR was designed for inclusion in Java applications I would like to stay with native C++. Can ANTLR 4 produce such a C parser/lexer(2) which I can include using a C++-style wrapper? And how to do so?
(1) The book has some good examples which I will use as a template.
(2) I am not sure but I think that I read somewhere that ANTLR doesn't support output in C++, am I right?