I am trying to do a foreach on a vector of attacks, each attack has a unique ID say, 1-3.
The class method takes the keyboard input of 1-3.
I am trying to use a foreach to run through my elements in m_attack to see if the number matches, if it does... do something.
The problem I'm seeing is this:
a'for each' statement cannot operate on an expression of type "std::vector<Attack
Am I going about this totally wrong, I have C# experience and is kind of what I'm basing this on, any help would be appreciated.
My code is as follows:
In header
vector<Attack> m_attack;
In class
int Player::useAttack (int input)
for each (Attack* attack in m_attack) // Problem part
//Psuedo for following action
if (attack->m_num == input)
//For the found attack, do it's damage
std::map<int, Attack*> attacks;
and in method:attacks[input]->makeDamage();
(in try catch forout_of_range