Be careful with this!
For those who are thinking about trigger typeahead behavior manually (on a button click for example) I strongly recommend you to don't do this.
I came for this solution and I lost almost an entire day making workarounds to it work properly (in my case that was a button click).
For those who really want go by this dark way, I share with you my ugly code that makes it work:
//Removes default features of typeahead
//This means that typeahead will not work like an "autocomplete", it only will be trigged when the user Click in #btnSearch button!
var txt = $("#typeahead");
//Save input events in variables (we'll need them)
eventInput = $._data(txt[0], "events").input[0];
eventBlur = $._data(txt[0], "events").blur[1];
//Remove input events
//Set click event that triggers typeahead features manually
$("#btnSearch").click(function () {
//Clears the cache of engine for it call ajax again, without it when the term was already searched the ajax is not called!
txt.focus(); //When we click in a button, the focus from input is lost, so we set it again to not lose the behaviors of keyboard keys (up, down, tab, etc)
txt.bind("input", eventInput); //Bind the event that we had saved
txt.trigger("input"); //Trigger input (like the answer from @epascarello)
txt.unbind("input"); //Removes it again
//Set event on parent of the suggestion's div, this makes the sugestion div close when user click outside it
$("body").click(function () {
if (eventBlur != undefined) {
if ($(".tt-dropdown-menu:visible").length > 0) {
eventBlur.handler(); //This event closes the suggestion menu
Another thing that I did was change a code of the event "_checkInputValue" on typeahead.js. I change this:
areEquivalent = areQueriesEquivalent(inputValue, this.query);
to this:
areEquivalent = false;//areQueriesEquivalent(inputValue, this.query);
I set it to false because typeahead don't send two identical requests to server. This occur when the user clicks twice in the search button (I mean, when he searches more than once the same text that he has already searched for). Anyway, if you are using local data you won't need to do this.