The answer providing the ToDataTable
is a very nice start but it is missing some key elements. Namely, it ignores that List
item properties may:
- marked
- ...use the
- ...have a
which the DataColumn
should know about
- marked
The following is an extension method to return a DataTable
and either accounts for the above or provides the means for your code to apply them. It also uses an Interface
to get the values from the class object rather than Reflection
public static DataTable ToDataTable<T>(this IList<T> lst, bool includeAll = true)
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
DataColumn dc;
PropertyDescriptor pd;
bool Browsable;
PropertyDescriptorCollection propCol = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(T));
for (int n = 0; n < propCol.Count; n++)
pd = propCol[n];
Type propT = pd.PropertyType;
dc = new DataColumn(pd.Name);
// if Nullable, get underlying type
// the first test may not be needed
if (propT.IsGenericType && Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(propT) != null )
propT = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(propT);
dc.DataType = propT;
dc.AllowDBNull = true;
dc.DataType = propT;
dc.AllowDBNull = false;
// is it readonly?
if (pd.Attributes[typeof(ReadOnlyAttribute)] != null)
dc.ReadOnly = ((ReadOnlyAttribute)pd.
// DefaultValue ...
if (pd.Attributes[typeof(DefaultValueAttribute)] != null)
dc.DefaultValue = ((DefaultValueAttribute)pd.
// caption / display name
dc.ExtendedProperties.Add("DisplayName", dc.Caption);
if (pd.Attributes[typeof(DisplayNameAttribute)] != null)
// these are usually present but blank
string theName = ((DisplayNameAttribute)pd.
dc.Caption = string.IsNullOrEmpty(theName) ? dc.Caption : theName;
// DGV doesnt use for later
dc.ExtendedProperties["DisplayName"] = dc.Caption;
Browsable = true;
dc.ExtendedProperties.Add("Browsable", Browsable);
var foo = pd.Attributes[typeof(BrowsableAttribute)];
if (pd.Attributes[typeof(BrowsableAttribute)] != null)
Browsable = ((BrowsableAttribute)pd.Attributes[typeof(BrowsableAttribute)]).Browsable;
// no such thing as a NonBrowsable DataColumn
dc.ExtendedProperties["Browsable"] = Browsable;
// ToDo: add support for custom attributes
if (includeAll || Browsable)
// the lst could be empty such as creating a typed table
if (lst.Count == 0) return dt;
if (lst[0] is IDataValuesProvider)
IDataValuesProvider dvp;
// copy the data - let the class do the work
foreach (T item in lst)
dvp = (IDataValuesProvider)item;
List<object> values;
foreach (T item in lst)
values = new List<object>();
// only Browsable columns added
for (int n = 0; n < dt.Columns.Count; n++)
return dt;
The method allows you to specify whether columns for non Browsable
properties should be added to the DataTable
. Rather than hiding the columns later, you can omit them entirely if you want.
An interface proves the means to get the data values from collection members in order (as an alternative to a reflection loop):
public interface IDataValuesProvider
IEnumerable<object> GetDataValues(bool includeAll);
... on the class:
public class StockItem : IDataValuesProvider
public int Id { get; set; }
public string ItemName {get; set;}
[Browsable(false), DisplayName("Ignore")]
public string propA {get; set;}
public string Zone { get; set; }
public string Size {get; set;}
public int? Foo { get; set; }
public int OnHand {get; set;}
public string ProdCode {get; set;}
public string propB { get; set; }
public DateTime ItemDate {get; set;}
// IDataValuesProvider implementation
public IEnumerable<object> GetDataValues(bool IncludeAll)
List<object> values = new List<object>();
values.AddRange(new object[] {Id, ItemName });
if (IncludeAll) values.Add(propA);
values.AddRange(new object[] { Zone, Size, Foo, OnHand, ProdCode });
if (IncludeAll) values.Add(propB);
return values;
Add the data values in the same order as they are listed in your class; be sure to update it when you add properties. The reflection version is still there so you can do it either way.
Finally, there are a few common Attribute
s which do not have a related DataColumn
property. The method stores these for you as ExtendedProperties
allowing you to easily apply them to the DGV:
var dtX = someData.ToDataTable();
dgvB.DataSource = dtX;
// process extended props
foreach (DataColumn dc in dtX.Columns)
// no need to test, the code adds them everytime
//if (dc.ExtendedProperties.ContainsKey("DisplayName"))
dgvB.Columns[dc.ColumnName].HeaderText = dc.ExtendedProperties["DisplayName"].ToString();
//if (dc.ExtendedProperties.ContainsKey("Browsable"))
dgvB.Columns[dc.ColumnName].Visible = (bool)dc.ExtendedProperties["Browsable"];
Results using a list of the class shown above:
Both OnHand
and Foo
show the DisplayName
and both PropA
and PropB
are hidden. Most importantly, columns created for ReadOnly
and Nullable
properties act accordingly.