I am using the Eigen library in C++: I am currently calculating the covariance matrix myself as follows:

Eigen::MatrixXd covariance_matrix = Eigen::MatrixXd::Constant(21, 21, 0);
data mean = calc_mean(all_data)
for(int j = 0; j < 21; j++){
    for(int k = 0; k < 21; k++){
        for(std::vector<data>::iterator it = all_data.begin(); it!= all_data.end(); it++){
            covariance_matrix(j,k) += ((*it)[j] - mean[j]) * ((*it)[k] - mean[k]);
        covariance_matrix(j,k) /= all_data.size() - 1;

Is there an inbuilt/more optimized way to do this with the Eigen library? For example if I store my data in a MatrixXd where each row is an observation and each column a feature?



2 Answers 2


Using Eigen expressions will leverage SIMD and cache optimized algorithms, so yes it should definitely be faster, and in any case, much simpler to write:

MatrixXd centered = mat.rowwise() - mat.colwise().mean();
MatrixXd cov = (centered.adjoint() * centered) / double(mat.rows() - 1);

Moreover, assuming "data" is a typedef for a double[21], then you can use the Map<> feature to view your std::vector as an Eigen object:

Map<Matrix<double,Dynamic,21,RowMajor> > mat(&(all_data[0][0], all_data.size(), 21);
  • 7
    Be careful for mat.rows() == 1. Commented Apr 22, 2015 at 12:28
  • Why mat.colwise()?
    – quant_dev
    Commented May 10, 2020 at 12:56
  • @quant_dev You compute the mean for each column which gives you a row vector, i.e. if auto xm = mat.colwise().mean() then xm[i] is the mean of the i-th column of mat. Then for each row of mat you need to subtract this mean-vector to make the matrix centered, so you need to compute mat.rowwise() - xm, which you can also write as a one liner. Note, that it is assumed here, that a feature vector is a row vector and samples go downwards (vertical). If you organise your data with feature vectors being column vectors and samples going across, you need to transpose the formula. Commented Mar 21, 2022 at 21:41
  • BTW: don't try to replace the MatrixXd with auto or you'll get into big trouble. If you really want to use auto, you need to put the whole formulas into parentheses and .eval() them. Commented Mar 21, 2022 at 21:45
  • I don't understand the (centered.adjoint() * centered). How does it work? I did not see it being used anywhere else.
    – Lenz
    Commented Jun 24, 2022 at 7:33

When each row is an observation, you can use the matrix formulation for the sample covariance matrix as shown on wikipedia ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sample_mean_and_sample_covariance#Sample_covariance )

Sample covariance, source: wikipedia article linked above .

This is fairly easy to write in terms of Eigen matrix multiplications etc. Whether it will be more performant isn't obvious to me, I suspect the optimizer would have to do a really good job (be sure to use at least -O2). It may be worth trying and profiling it.

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