The documentation states that Autofac supports open generics and I am able to register and resolve in a basic case like so:




var flattener = _container.Resolve<IFlattener<Address>>();

The above code works just fine. However, assuming that I will not know the type provided to IFlattener until runtime, I want to do something like this:

object input = new Address();
var flattener = (IFlattener)_container.Resolve(typeof(IFlattener<>), new TypedParameter(typeof(IFlattener<>), input.GetType()));

Is this possible with AutoFac? I got the idea from the following using StructureMap:


I'm trying to achieve the same goal outlined in this article.

2 Answers 2


This is certainly possible with Autofac. At "register time", this is what you basically do:

  1. Register the open generic type (PassThroughFlattener<>)
  2. Register any specific types (AddressFlattener)
  3. Register a method that can be used to resolve an IFlattener based on a input object

At "resolve time", you will do:

  1. Resolve the method
  2. Call the method with input parameter(s) to resolve the IFlattener implementation

Here's a (hopefully) working sample:

var openType = typeof(IFlattener<>);

var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
builder.Register<Func<object, IFlattener>>(context => theObject => 
        var closedType =
            return (IFlattener) context.Resolve(closedType,
                new PositionalParameter(0, theObject));
var c = builder.Build();

var factory = c.Resolve<Func<object, IFlattener>>();

var address = new Address();
var addressService = factory(address);

Assert.That(addressService, Is.InstanceOfType(typeof(AddressFlattener)));

var anything = "any other data";
var anyService = factory(anything);

Assert.That(anyService, Is.InstanceOfType(typeof(PassThroughFlattener<string>)));

If you don't know type until runtime you can build it using MakeGenericType:

var addressFlattener = _container.Resolve(typeof(IFlattener<>).MakeGenericType(typeof(Address)));

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